@white_wind These videos don't really show what you "miss" by playing on a console and not a PC at all, because the biggest thing you "miss" is high resolution, high-framerate gaming that these videos can't show.
Console's biggest weakness graphically is that they're super low resolution at 720p. If anything, these videos make the console versions look way better compared to PC than they do in reality.
@tahsineo These videos aren't to stoke any egos because these videos don't show anything. You can't make a graphics comparison out of low res compressed video.
These videos are to fuel fanboy and troll wars in the comments and that's about it.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... BAD GAMESPOT
You were doing so well by actually using screenshots, why have you reverted to this stupid practice of trying to use compressed, low-res video to show graphics comparisons? It by definition can't do that, at least not for PC and not even that well for consoles.
@Nolakk I think you need glasses... there's a pretty huge difference between 1920x1080 (or more) ultra settings 60fps and ~720p ~medium settings ~30fps
@NTM23 That game isn't so special as to balance out the dozens and dozens and dozens of utter trash movies based on games and games based on movies.
That's why I said 99.9%, not 100% - I recognize a couple exceptions, but the odds are so colossally against success when transitioning between mediums that I wish they'd just put their resources to games.
Please don't make a Halo movie. 99.999999999% of movies based on video games are beyond horrible. Why can't we just let games be games and movies be movies?
The_Beanster's comments