@grove12345 @Simplythebest12 That's your fault for building a crappy rig. Because there were a ton of build options in 2007-2008 available that chew through skyrim quite nicely.
@leandrro You're moving the goalposts. I know you don't like it, but Crysis 3 (and every future DX11-only game on PC that also runs on current gen - dunno how many there will be) breaks the rule that you can build a rig when consoles are released and play the same games at the same or better settings throughout it's life.
@leandrro @The_Beanster @Cypress131 @lmaocarrots @ItzItazuki Yes, but Crysis 3 is the one legit argument for consoles here. If you built a PC when the last gen came out, you MUST have upgraded by now to play Crysis 3. That's not the case for console - that same console you build 6 years ago will play Crysis 3 just fine.
@leandrro @The_Beanster @Cypress131 @lmaocarrots @ItzItazuki The 6450 isn't 6 years old. You can't play Crysis 3 on a 6 year old GPU because it relies on a DirectX API that wasn't available or supported 6 years ago.
@grove12345 @The_Beanster 8800 GTS 320 bought for $270 paired with an early core 2 CPU. Played Skyrim at medium-high settings at 1080p (which is a lot more than consoles do), for example.
Also, lowest resolution and lowest settings is all consoles do, so again - your point is invalid.
The_Beanster's comments