That's an interesting comment, because I don't see where Walton used the term "bad" anywhere in his review to describe this game. Oh wait, he did: "None of its levels are bad..." I actually read the review.
It seems that DKTF is a decent platformer that does not reach the lofty heights of games like Super Mario 3D World. For us platforming nuts, it doesn't necessarily have to be THAT good for us to enjoy. But some of us may be somewhat disappointed all the same. I will know when I play the game for myself.
No kidding. Playing Super Mario 3D World last night, on one particular level I said something like, "That's the most beautiful thing I've seen in a game." Not to spoil anything too much, but think sunsets.
Compared to the Wii, the Wii U is a failure in terms of sales so far. However, it's a great console (I own one), and I cannot agree with some of Danny's points regarding the system, because he contradicts himself in ways. He says that Super Mario 3D World is the best platformer in recent memory, yet he also says that he cannot himself buying the system for that game alone, implying that the gaming community at-large will feel the same.
But do the PS4 and Xbox One currently have a game at the level of SM3DW? The gaming community has almost unanimously said "no." Danny then mentions the Wii U's overall library, how it is coming into its own, but then he tries to downplay the system's future releases by mentioning upcoming games that are sure to be the most anticipated, high-quality games on the system. Bottom line is, Wii U is already a must-purchase. There are close to a dozen great games on it, and it's showing itself to be THE console for the platforming lover. That's satisfactory enough for me, anyways.
I am a Nintendo fan, own a Wii U and think it's a great console. But I have seen the confusion over Wii and Wii U in person. Just the other day a grandma and mom were telling their grandson/son, as they were pointing to the Wii U games at Wal-Mart, that he has to buy a "W-i-i" game. Then they proceeded to buy Wii Play for Wii. They thought Wii U games worked on the "W-i-i."
I remember the video where Tom McShea and Peter Brown criticized Nintendo's E3 Direct video because it relied too much on its old franchises. Yet, here we have two games from that E3 reveal receiving a nine on this website within virtually the same week. Not only that, the two games release on the same day. Also, Peter wrote a preview piece for Super Mario 3D World and praised it as a fresh entry in the series. And Tom recently made a video gushing over how much he loves A Link Between Worlds. I understand Tom and Peter's points when they criticized the Direct. Having new Nintendo franchises of the highest caliber of quality is a good thing, but it's difficult to criticize Nintendo's old franchises when they consistently find a way to feel so new. In short, don't doubt Nintendo when it comes to its treasured series.
The_Deepblue's comments