is the pope catholic? :) of course i am
The_Exculpator's forum posts
[QUOTE="vegetattack15"][QUOTE="c0mplex"][QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"]who cares? do you guys really let the OPINIONS of other people sway what you are going to play? I surely hope not.c0mplex
honestly... the more and more i hear people complain about the scores/say EGM are fanboys, i think:
1) those people are just regular SW forumers that either wanted to use Lair as an "pwnage" argument or not have other fanboys say the PS3 sucks.
2) those people are insecure about their $500-600 purchase and these scores make them feel even more insecure.
As I thought from the other thread, a lemming, go back to system wars. Or the 360 thread. Either way your busted.
give me one single reason why you should care about a review score.
just one reason. :|
Reviews are the one sole reason why most gamers purchase a game, therefore if a game that they had been waiting for and had been excited about doesnt get the score they wanted, they do not feel "insecure" about their purchase (which IMO is a reallyfanboyist thing say), they just feel disappointed that the game they like/love is not impressing other people as much as it impressess them. I mean honestly, can you imagine what the world would be like if halo got a 4-6 out of 10?...thought not.
And for your information, most PS3 owners i know are thouroghly enjoying themselves and im sure they are enjoying themselves more than the people who have just returned their busted 360, so dont immediately jump to the conclusion that ps3 owners are "insecure" about their purchase,its a real immature comment...and does nothing to justify your point. And maturity is what i come to the PS3 forums for.
[QUOTE="kcm_117"]wow you cows are...pathetic. Is this really what goes on over here in the ps3 forums?donwoogie
Yeh man, I hearya! let's stop debating about CG chicks, head back to the Xbox360 forums and start debating about CG dudes! boy that Marcus Fenix sure is....... muscely.........
omg, classic...
I agree that WW2 games need to stop, i mean cmon it ended way back when? and they keep churning out games like a machine gun on speed. nowadays, if a game is set in ww2 its considered to be a selling point! Yea, sure...a gamehas authentic WW2 guns and rifles, that REALLY makes me want to buy it. pause not. :P
Dynasty warriors need to stop unless they can bring something new to the table, i loved the first few games but when they started doing Xtreme legends (note the missing E) i just gave up hope.
Sonic is losingthe grand finese it used to have, oh how i long for the days to return when i just collected rings and didnt have to worry about firing guns, driving cars, or rescuing people... :'(
MGS should never die! I could deal with solid snake dying, if he goes out with true MGS-hideo kojima style... i mean a death that people will talk about, but mgs is one of the games that got me hooked way back when the ps1 was released.
Honestly though, there are loads of game franchisesthat should just stop, roll over and die... cant name them all here.
yes, BIG congrats to all those who have invested into the greatest man made multimedia device i have ever experienced, had mine 2 weeks now and even though i only have 2 games and no online...i still rush home to play it!
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