Game Theory as a reliable unbiased source = Hell Freezing over
The_Exculpator's forum posts
someone said they were lurking in the shadows... guess the fanboys have EMERGED!!! EVERYONE RUN!!!
PS3 FTW. Tomorrow is going to be historic!
Everyone!!! pass it on, killzone is gonna be teh B3st M0$T L33T GaM3 Ev3Rzzz!! Like 10 outta 10! Perfect score! Its gonna Kill Halo!!!
Then again it could be a total letdown, you never know these days...
Well i f it does happen, im sure Hideo Kojima will commit hara-kiri for betraying his no:1 partner.
Jokes aside, its not going to happen, and even if it does happen, and hell freezes over, then my friend who keeps dissing MGS (and owns a 360) can buy it and see for himself how wrong he was about it.
As for your question, im not worried at all, not even a little bit... i thought i would be. But i am worried about the Bee thing, poor little guys, im turning off my mobile as i type... :'(
OMG the horror! i feel your pain!
thankfully im so OCD with mine its not even funny, i treat it better than i treat my 3-week old cousin! Clean it, Dust it, heck i might aswell give it a massage- and not one of those cheap, backalley massages either- OH GOD its been 5 mins since i last cleaned it! IM COMING MY DEAR~~ DADDYS COMING!!!
Well Maybe its because i bought my ps3 three days ago and initial excitment is at a high... or maybe its because i am one of those people who are actually having a FRICKEN BRILLIANT experience! Fanboyism aside, i am thoroughly enjoying my purchase and my ps3 is taking center stage in my family room, complete with plasma tv and surround sound and boy oh boy, have i missed out or what! magnificant... i guess you can guess what i choose on your poll. HELL YES
Are there any one else out there who feel the same way as me? or am i alone in this new generation of extreme coolness?... :(
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