Well, as a PS3 owner, I am actually excited for the holiday season with great games like Haze UT3 heavenly sword and Warhawk (the last two coming out soon), and I am even more excited about Killzone 2, MGS4, and GT 5.a lot of people are forgetting GT5 which happens to be one of the best racing games ever. That would make the PS3 very appealing during that time. all these games are scheduled to almost come out at once.
First, there aren't any games out right now that actually uses the full power of the PS3. The first game that will use that power is actually Heavenly Sword which will come out beginning of September. If you like racing games get MotorStorm, FPS Resistance (this one is the best selling PS3 game thus far) and also Rainbow 6Vegas, RPG Ninja Gaiden Sigma and God of War 2 and Oblivion.
360's have a 33% chance of failure. It's no surprise that the 360's are failing and many people are complaining. I knew this from the begining. M$ rushed out a system to gain Marked share, and therefore the system is complete crap. Sorry for your loss. buy a PS3 or a WII, trust me, you will never look back. The 360 runs very hot constantly. Eventually, it will burn up no matter what.
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