Honestly, at first I though it was terrorist and that the conspiracy theorist were nuts. Now, I'm not so sure. I don't know who I believe or what happened. I'm pretty sure we aren't being told the full story, and more went on than what we were told.
A group of guys in a cave sending people over the us, able to get through are defense at the airport and successfully hijack all those planes, then after we really start expanding in the middle east / north Africa to this day. I don't know, It just seems really fishy to me. I wouldn't be surprised if there was something else to it.
Dude, it could be so much worse, seriously. Just be glad you have your health. Stop worrying about these small little things, and just try to enjoy living life. We are just self aware animals, and you're getting caught up on small things. Want a girlfriend? Go get one, nobody is stopping you. There are 6 billion people in the world. Get rejected? Who cares, move on to the next one.
Yeah. I hate it when people say being suicidal is selfish. That may be true in a sense, but in most cases you aren't trying to be selfish. When you have a chemical imbalance or you are suffering from a really bad health problem, it's hard to think straight and you just don't want to suffer anymore.
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