So I bought Pulp Fiction the other day. Weirdest movie I've ever seen in my life, but it was awesome. It had me laughing in places where I really shouldn't be laughing; like when the guy in the car gets his head blown up or when the kid is given the watch.:lol:
Theokhoth Blog
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
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GameStop is seriously pissing me off
by Theokhoth on Comments
I'm getting fed up with GameStop's bullcrap.
Yesterday I took an old GameCube to the store to get a few bucks. Well, I didn't have a controller with me, and they couldn't take it without the controller. All right, well, they have all these controllers in individual bags laying around, so why they can't use one of those escapes my inferior consumer mind, but I accept it and move on, despite the fact that this was not always their policy. Today I went back, with a controller. Then they tell me that, since the controller (which is old) is missing a piece of rubber on one of the joysticks, it is therefore "damaged" and, despite the fact that it works perfectly fine, they can't sell it because "they can't sell damaged goods to people who are paying their hard-earned money."
I made a bit more of a fuss over this. I was tempted to say "you have no issue with selling damaged videogames," because I have more than once bought a game that turned out to be damaged, but I know it wasn't the girl's fault and that railing on her was futile and unfair. But I did protest the decision as I have to drive a fair distance to go to this GameStop (I wouldn't go at all if there were any other places in my area), and now I'll have to go back again later.
This is not the only issue I have with them. One thing that happens almost every time I'm there, and this is getting on my nerves, is that I'll go in, trade some games, look around, spend a lot of time in line, get up front, hand them the cases to the games I want, and then they'll hnd one of them back, saying they don't have that game.
Well, why the hell are you advertising games you don't have?
They do this with systems, too. I went in about a week ago to buy my brother an Xbox, and in the front, with a big red sticker that clearly says "NOW IN STOCK!" was a new Xbox360. Cool. I go in, take the box up to them (and this is the ****ing day after Christmas; you have no idea how long I had to wait in line in front of and behind a bunch of screaming bundles of joy who got their gift cards the day before and couldn't wait to piss it all away), and they tell me that they have some in the back. Cool. Then they come back and say "sorry, we don't have any." Thankfully, they had a used 360, and I didn't have to explode.
When I bought Prince of Persia for that same Xbox, I got the game cover for the Collector's Edition, because it looked cool. I handed it to the guy. He scanned it. I paid my money. He handed me a different box; same game, but not the Collector's. I said, "This is the same game, right?" "No, we don't have any more of the Collector's Edition."
So not only were they advertising a game they didn't have; they ****ing waited until after I had paid to tell me this little gem. But I took the game and went on; the Collector's Edition costs the exact same as the regular anyway, so I didn't quite have grounds to sue.
I seriously wish there was another game store somewhere near home.
Prologue down. . .
by Theokhoth on Comments
Well, it took a month, but I finally managed to write four pages of prologue for my novel. >__> Damn, writing for serious is hard.
In other news, I got a new iPod! It's the blue 8gb nano, 4th generation. Then it messed up. Then I had it exchanged. They had the wrong color. Then I had that exchanged. Now I have a working blue iPod! I love it. I also put my Prince Caspian DVD on there since I have the digital copy. The thing plays movies beautifully. I have over a hundred songs and a picture. I love it.
Saw Fight Club Last Night
by Theokhoth on Comments
Of all the movies to see on Christmas, I picked Fight Club, as everyone says it's an awesome movie and all that.
Everyone's right. It was kickass. Now I want the book.
Merry Christmas everyone!
by Theokhoth on Comments
Anyway, today has been a nice day. Got new bedsheets (yay!) some chocolate, $200, a fifty dollar gift card for Wal-Mart, and a GPS (since I have the same sense of direction as a rock). We went to my uncle's house and we ate a ton of food. Fun time.
New Theism
by Theokhoth on Comments
I saw this on another website and just had to reproduce it.
As I write this in the year 2089, the majority of the US population are atheists. Only around 17% claim to be non-atheistic and tend to be doubtful of the view that nature is all that exists. I am part of this minority of skeptics and clearthinkers. Thankfully a movement known as New Theism is gaining in popularity, as many new theistic books have made the best seller list recently. The fact that these books are best sellers shows that people are getting tired of naturalistic atheism, and perhaps suggests that new theists are the silent majority. It's time for us to get organized and question the respect that naturalism and atheism usually get. Why should we respect beliefs that can't be proven?
If atheists were born in India, they'd be Hindu or Muslim, and they'd reject the view that nature is all there is. It's only because they were born in a nation that is predominantly atheistic that they are the way they are. How can they claim that their view is true when it's merely the product of their upbrining and culture? That's ridiculous.
And atheists always ask us "what if you're wrong?" But we should simply ask them in return: what if you're wrong? There are many different interpretations of atheism and naturalism, and it seems rare for any two atheists or naturalists to agree on a common definition of their view or common ontological commitments. There are pagan atheists, Buddhist atheists, Secular Humanists, new age atheists, weak atheists, strong atheists, nihilists, brights, anti-theists, methodological naturalists, metaphysical naturalists, etc. Do they really think that, out of all the different forms of atheism, they just happened to pick the correct one? We clearthinkers are just one less of an atheist than they are.
There is no way to use the scientific method to prove that reality is entirely composed of natural, physical objects -- just as there is no way to use the scientific method to prove other falsehoods, such as that the moon is made entirely of cheese and santa claus visits every home during christmas. I don't believe in atheism for the same reason I don't believe in a cheese moon and santa claus.
Atheologians have throughout the last few decades offered what they think is "evidence" for their views. Probably the most common is the "argument from evil". But all of these atheologians should be dismissed, since they are just arguing semantics and using atheism-of-the-gaps reasoning. Just because non-atheists don't yet have an explanation for evil, that doesn't mean there won't be one in the future. As anti-atheist Gerald Rocker says in his bestselling new book The Atheism Hoax, "we're working on it!"
In the name of logic, science, progress, and rationality, it is time for clearthinkers everywhere to speak out against those who seek to destroy our civilization with their superstious explanations and unscientific posturing.
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