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The Only System That Gives Us Any Evidence for Anything is Science. . . .

Can science be used to prove that assertion is true?

Honestly, people who turn science into scientism are so funny that it reverts around and becomes sad. People who base their lives on a system of naturalistic methods made to study nature and who do not accept anything else as truth never can quite see that their own system cannot even be proved to be accurate by using that system!

Can you scientifically prove logic exists, or that something is logical? No. It's common sense that logic exists, but if you apply its existence to the scientific method, you get a giant case of circular reasoning: Using a product of logic (the scientific method) to prove logic. Which is in itself illogical. Any scientific study of logic will come up empty-handed.

I guess logic is an illusion.

Science is a method of applying methodological naturalism to a series of tests and scrutiny in order to affirm a theory or hypothesis about a natural occurrence. By definition science cannot say "yes" or "no" on metaphysical issues (no matter how much the neo atheists or fundamentalist theists want to say otherwise). For those issues, we turn to another method, one that's been around longer than humans: logic. Logic is behind everything we have ever done, from mathematics to philosophy, but now there are people who want to replace logic with science, or scientism, as they turn it into by claiming that science is the only way to know anything.

Of course, when asked to prove this claim using the scientific method, all one gets is a drool and a rant about how you're stupid for opposing the almighty science. The almighty science cannot go against the almighty logic, and since proving science with science is circular reasoning (a logical fallacy), it is impossible to prove science is the only good method of observation with the scientific method.

But logic has its flaws too. Theoretically, one can come to any conclusion, no matter how ridiculous, perfectly logically. This is why we have science and philosophy; to separate the good conclusions from the bad, either with empirical evidence or logical proofs. It is these logical proofs that make up almost all of mathematics and philosophy. A proof can go like this:

If a, then b.

If b, then c.

Therefore, x.

This type of proof is used most often in philosophical discussions and theories. The first two steps are called premises. The premises are the steps you take to get to the last step, called the conclusion. If the premises are correct, and the conclusion follows from the premises, then the proof is valid and can be used as evidence for a position in a philosophical matter.

When a proof is invalid, a fallacy has been committed. One of example of a fallacy is this:

My ice cream is melty.

Therefore God does not exist.

This fallacy is called a non sequitur, which means "does not follow." It is applied to arguments that have conclusions that do not follow from the premises. What does melty ice cream have to do with the existence of God?

For a list of logical fallacies and examples of how they are applied, see here.

My point with all of this is to show that science is not the be-all end-all of knowledge; logic is. To treat science the way some people do is turning it into a religion, that awful plague upon humanity that science has come to cure us of. But then, what shall be done with scientism?

I am so sick of neo atheist propaganda.

Honestly, I am tired of the constant and baseless belittlement of neo atheists. Always accusing me and my religion of bigotry while calling me a mindless idiot in the same paragraph. Take a look at this:

That is a Photobucket search result for the one single term, "Christianity." Look at the results.

Those results continue on for at least FIFTEEN PAGES. I went that far and just gave up. But those results are just stupid propaganda; some results say things like "First they burn books, then they burn people" or "Killing you in the name of God for two thousand years" or "Religion is just a crutch for people who can't think for themselves."

And YouTube. Oh my God, YouTube. What happened to YouTube? The Rational Response Squad happened to YouTube. When they began endorsing disrespecting and mocking religion and religious people (especially Christians), neo atheists all over YouTube took over, and now the place is overrun with idiotic videos, some of them posting the most disgusting images to prove some vague point about how God (and His followers) are stupid. But the comments are infinitely worse than the videos; I have literally been lumped in with all Christians as a "heartless murderer" on YouTube before.

Even here on GameSpot, I'm seeing horrible posts by people with names like "Deity_Slapper" that make me just want to vomit.

This mindless and disgusting offence on religion is revolting. Everywhere it can be seen; even in public, sometimes in protests, you can see people saying or doing nightmarish things against that evil tyrant, religion. I was driving by, and I saw a sign by the side of the road that had a picture of the Twin Towers still standing, and below the picture it said "Imagine: No Religion." I pulled over and tore the sign apart.

This whole New Atheist movement is pathetic. It's nothing more than mindless, ranting garbage meant to belittle religious people.

If you buy into this bullcrap, here's a shocker for you: 87% of the planet's population believes in a personal, theistic God. Even more believe in an impersonal, deistic God, and yet still more believe in a panthestic God, and even more believe humans ARE gods. Atheism, whether Neo or otherwise, is a vast MINORITY. Even better: every person you have ever met, every fundamental law you learned in physics in mathematics; odds are EXTREMELY HIGH that the majority of the people behind those things are/were theistic.

I can think for myself. I need no crutch. I display no signs of mental degradation. I have murdered nobody, and I find people who buy into this disgusting, malicious, hateful, bigoted fad of neo atheism (and that is all it is) to be the physical embodiment of all that is wrong with this world. What happened to the days when more atheists were coming up with brilliant ideas and getting along with the rest of the world? What happened to the times when atheism wasn't viewed as a cultural fad, but an intellectual position that required serious thinking? Sure, there are still smart atheists today, but why do they seem so few and far between, and so silenced by the fundamentalists?

That's the end of my rant.