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Thomas-Crown Blog

More MGS4 game-play revealed.

I got an e-mail from my friend alerting me that IGN has the MGS4 review up... Plus, he assured me it is completely spoiler free. While I was reading the review, it was what you would expect from any review... but one section where they talked about what you will be doing in MGS4 that surprised me. May be is not news to some and for that I apologise. :P

Anyway.... I am here to talk about one particular section in the review. Which is to do with the game-play rather then the story. Here's that particular section:

'Still, it is fair to say that sneaking around is just the tip of Metal Gear Solid 4's Titanic-sized iceberg of action entertainment. Brace yourself for a lot of variety as the narrative twists and turns to catapult you across the globe in a flurry of game **** and approaches to design. You'll find yourself climbing on car roofs to eliminate shambling hordes, or donning a raincoat to evade security forces while tailing a mark. One section requires you to use all of your wilderness skills to track down a target, scrutinising the way ahead for signs of your quarry. And, of course, you'll find yourself encountering fiendishly devised bosses. Because where would Metal Gear Solid be without bosses? As if to remind you, several of the bosses in MGS 4 are brilliantly evocative of some of the more memorable boss encounters from the series so far. They also prove to be pretty memorable encounters in themselves, too; running for cover through a research lab, while trying to locate a stealthily camouflaged femme fatale, for example.' (from IGN's MGS4 review)

Wow!! That was the reaction I got just reading that part.. I read it again just to imagine what it would be like to actually see it in action and to play it. Some part sound kind of like Assassin's Creed but we all know Kojima is a fan so, getting some sort of influence isn't that strange... Remember in MGS2, when Raiden had to hold hand with EE (Emma)? That was influenced by a game called ICO.

Well... That is it for this blog... Thanks for you time and until next time.

Explain Thyself Further!

Generally, when we speak, we like to use a particular word to start our conversations or in between our conversation. We do it naturally and it seems to make the conversation more flowing. Words such as 'Generally' 'I think that' 'Incidentally' etc.... Are often thrown in before we begin our intended suject in the conversation. But what do they actually mean and what does it add to the conversation? Well lets find out:

Generally I'm the only person who believes this

I think That nobody else agress with me

Incidentally I've just remembered a good story

In my honest opinion I don't believe a word of this

in the not-too-distant future It's never going to happen

people think I don't know what I think

Perhaps this means perhaps it doesn't

reportedly I need to give my words some extra weight

simply put everything before has been a lot of waffle

supposedly this definitely isn't true

The point I am trying to make no one is listening to me

Eight/Fifteen/0Eight (by chaos-SD)

This is an Exclusive blog dedicated to Mr Scott Deisner aka chaos-SD's work.

The name is Scott Deisner aka chaos-SD Remember the name. Both names. Why? Because he is the creator of the image below.

Teaser 2

Impressive, huh?

chaos-SD (Scott Deisner) is impressive as he created this image above all by himself to accompanied in his new graphic novel. Without any external help from anyone. He work so hard, it actually drove him to sickness but he is okay. He is also a friendly guy as he will accept all friend requests and if you are interested by the beautiful artwork and a compelling graphic novel feel free to track him and add him.

About the Author's work

I can't give too much away... As matter of fact, I don't know that much about it but it sure is interesting and I am here to share with you with what i know so far.

There will be seven books in total and yes, is done therefore no delay for any would-be fans. It will be posted online for in chaos-SD's (Scott Deisner) web-site (which yet to be established) on a weekly basis. Again, I must stress that this is done independently, no sponsors of any kind. Give him the support he evidently deserves.

Also, after you have finish the first series, you can look forward to SD's new graphic novel series meaning there's plenty to look forward to on the site.

About the seven book series and it's story:

As thing stands, the series haven't got a title yet because the author like to make it original and with originality, it take time. So bear with him. It was to be named 'Infected' but as SD did more research, there are many media bearing the same name thus, 'Infected' as a title was scrapped.

Like many creative online user, chaos-SD's story is an appealing one. Here's a teaser of what to expect directly from the author. In 2015 a strange virus is discovered that infects most mammals amphibians and reptiles. Creatures that are infected are described as monsters or zombies but it goes further than that. This is far off from any typical zombie horror, things will evolve and people will change, the plot will twist and turn. The first book will pick up in 2052 and if and how mankind has survived. This graphic novel will be full of intense, action packed, off the walls, battles. Everything I have said here does not even do the book justice. Nothing I could tell you could do the book enough justice, and "zombie horror" might basically describe it, but at the same time it's so far off...all of my friends, family and lawyers that I have talked to and described the book to have summed it up in one way..."this is going to be epic"

Final thought:

Exciting? I know I am. I am really looking forward to it and I hope who ever is reading this exclusive Guest blog is so, too. Leave a comment or two, let me know what you think. Come on, all comment is acceptable (please read GS terms and conditions lol :P)... and drop by at chaos-SD's profile. Just click on his name and you're there. Don'y be shy. :)

By The way, Eight/fifteen/0Eight = 8/15/08 and that is the date when the site and the graphic novel will be up. Keep your eyes peal around that time for there will be an update on this. :)

Well... Thanks for reading and A really big THANK YOU for your time.

Finally, A New Emblem!

Couple of days ago, I decide to add more games to my collection to my profile here in GS and I find myself going through tons of PS2 games I have and enjoyed so much. I probably add it about 100, more or less to my collection. :P

Having done that, I have earned a new emblem which I never knew it exist it. lol. :P

Here it is:

Well... Compared to many members who has huge amount of emblems, me with one new and only 3 all together isn't much to brag about so I stop. lol :P

Well, thanks for your time and until next time.

Patents on video game

Before this blog start, I didn't write this article. The article is wrriten by Ben Kuchera for a web-site called 'ars techinca'. Here is a full link to the article:

Patents on video game mechanics to strangle innovation, fun

While it seems every few months video games are released that feature some novel idea, the overwhelming majority of titles are building off of what has been released before. This isn't a shocking thing for any art form, and lazy critics know the first thing you do when discussing a game, movie, or television show is to look at what has influenced the work and see how the property in question has moved things forward. But video games are now facing a new challenge when trying to build on past concepts: gameplay ideas are being patented.

At first blush, patents on gameplay mechanics are a good idea; they allow the creators of these ideas to profit from them. The issue is that the patents are so becoming so broad, and so prohibitive to fight in court, that very basic ideas are being locked down by a few companies.

"For example, the Namco patent on load-time mini-games (US Patent Number 5,718,632), as originally used in the PlayStation 1 version of Ridge Racer, contains 16 claims, many of which are almost identical to one another," game designer and writer Ernest Adams recently wrote in an editorial about this issue in Gamasutra. This could effectively lock out other developers from putting games in their loading screens.

The ideas in the patent are mind-twistingly described: "A recording medium in accordance with this invention preferably has program code means relating to an auxiliary game and program code means relating to a main game," the description reads. "The size of the program code means relating to the auxiliary game is small in comparison with the size of the program code means relating to the main game, and the relationship between the program code means relating to the auxiliary game and the program code means relating to the main game is such that the program code means relating to the auxiliary game is always loaded first, before the program code means relating to the main game."

Do you know what the patent is describing? It uses an incredible number of words to say "a smaller program is loaded while the main game loads, so the player is kept entertained while waiting for the game to start." The patent conceivably keeps other companies from placing games on their loading screens, but the language is so broad that it could be possibly used to keep any kind of interaction from taking place during a load screen. If developers decide to put something amusing for the player to do into a loading screen, they could find themselves in the middle of costly litigation. Many companies would rather play it safe than fight the good fight in court.

Already a problem

We've already seen the danger of these patents. Sega owns patent no. 6,200,138, which is entitled "Game display method, moving direction indicating method, game apparatus and drive simulating apparatus." What this means is that Sega has a lock on the idea of driving a car around a city with an arrow pointing towards the next destination; it's a patent on Crazy Taxi, more or less.

Simpson's Road Rage was a game that featured Simpsons characters driving around a city, picking up customers, and dropping them off in other locations, all with an arrow pointing towards the next destination. When the game came out, Sega promptly sued Fox Entertainment, EA, and Radical Games. The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. Don't expect to see many arrows in your driving games, unless they've been cleared by a number of lawyers making sure they're not close to Sega's idea of what an arrow can or should point to.

"[The US patent office's] guidelines for patent examiners require that the invention produce a concrete, useful, and tangible result, and gameplay patents are being allowed," Adams wrote. "I assert that the very definition of a game precludes its gameplay from constituting a concrete, useful, and tangible result. A game takes place in a pretended reality-the magic circle. Its mechanics are not concrete, useful or tangible; they are make-believe... What if someone had patented the mouse and keyboard mechanism for controlling a first-person avatar? Or the 'lean' button that lets you lean out to peek around a corner?"

A case could be made that developers are simply playing by the rules put before them, that the patent system is broken and out of date for something like gameplay concepts in video games. That's a much bigger argument, however, and in the meantime, the thought of more such patents locking down broad gameplay ideas is frightening. If it becomes impossible to build on what has come before, we could see a few companies owning entire genres or gameplay concepts, which isn't a good thing for anyone. The gaming world would be a vastly different place, for instance, had id patented the idea of the first-person shooter.

My Thought: Isn't this interesting? I know that game company has patent on many ideas but I didn't know that the patent they have are that restricting. The article points out many key issues and whether you think it is right or wrong is not what I or the author concerns here. What concerns us is that next time we think of a good idea we want to use in a game, we could be violating a patent... lol. :P And when that happens, we see less and less innovation in gaming.

Ferrari F430 '06!!

As you may or may not know, I am currently playing GT5 Prologue and racing in Class A. I was having trouble, getting stuck on two Class A races, A7 and A10. It seems that no matter how hard I pushed, I can only managed to get 4th. On a normally circumstances, starting from 16th and race all the way tack to 4th and in 3 laps isn't so bad but since is a game and I want to unlock the Ferrari F2007 meaning I have to get 3rd or better.

After many tries and may curse words latter, I wonder if it is the car? I was driving the Dodge Viper SRT10 Coupe '06. It has 509 BHP, it was the most powerful car I can afford. Anyway, having decided to use another car, I am having trouble which one to use. I looked under the race list for Class A, the outstanding race which I still need to pass beside A7 and A10 was A8 which to enter, A Ferrari F430 must be purchased and use. The cost for that Ferrari is 244,000.

So, having save up the credits and purchase the F430 and pass A8 (after a few tries :P) I decided to take that car to race in A7 and A10. To my surprise, I was able to get 3rd place and passed these two races I was stuck on for quite some time. lol. The Ferrari F430 only have 496 BHP which it is less than the Dodge Viper I was using and struggling in. Amazing, isn't it!. That just shows how good a Ferrari is. It has good grip which the dodge Viper lacks in. Plus, the engine on the F430 just sound so beautiful. :)

Anyway... I am happy I passed the two races I was stuck on for so long and using a Ferrari to pass it makes it even more sweet. If I could ever afford a Ferrari (I doubt it) I will definitely get a F430. :)

Well... That's it for today and thanks for your time. Until next time. :P

Six hours of racing! (Update)

Well... As my previous blog indicated, I have brought GT5 Prologue and as soon as I got home. I start playing it immediately. Although the installation is 5g but is so worth it.

My verdict so far: This game is great. Eye candy and packs a punch in the game-play department too. Just to think that this is only a Prologue means the full version will be even better!! My mouth starts to water now... :P I can hardly wait.

Anyway... I have been racing and Time trailing for 6 hours and I am glad to say I have the all C class races and challenges completed. Certain race had me annoyed a bit... Bloody 'Cappuccino' race. lol. :p Well, if you have the game, you'll know exactly what I mean. :P

So, on to the next class which is B class. Under my friend's advice which he told me to get a Nissan GT-R for the B class race and right now I am breezing through the races. Nice to have good friends who gives you great advice. Woohoo. :)

Well... back for more racing and trying to reach my goal of getting the Ferrari F1 F2007 race car. Still a long way to go but I am not complaining, much. :P

---------------------------- UPDATE--------------------------------------------

After another six hours of racing, I have done B-class. My goal of unlocking the F2007 is another step closer. Sill, a long way to go though.

The only race I had a problem with in B Class was the B-6 race. The race required you to use a Honda Type-R (you can't pick your preferred car) and you'll have to over take 15 cars or at least 13 cras in one lap to clear that event. It took me 6 tries to clear that event. I got 3rd which was enough to clear the event and move on to A Class events.

Yes... I am in A Class events now and I just won my first race (it was an easy one and I had a fast car).

Well, that's it for the update...

Thanks for your time and Untill next time.

Ferrari F2007, here I come!

Well... Just got the blu-ray version of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue... Haven't play it yet and it is still got the official seal too. :P

Anyway... I normally would skip the Prologue but this time, Gran Turismo had included F1 cars and most importantly the F2007 (although I prefer the F2008 but hey, the new F1 season only start it this month). Yes, I am a F1 fan/nuts what ever you want to call me. :P

At first I was a bit skeptical because the F1 cars will not be available from the start but then I think to myself: this is a simulation, you can't just jump from drive a standard family car to F1 cars... Unless you have a death wish. :P Anyway, with that in mind, I am ready for the challenges of earning to drive a F1 car. This means, I have to complete loads of C class, B class, A class and the crazy S class challenges again and again to get the credit up to buy my first F1 car, in-game of course. lol. :P

Well, enough of my rant and thank you for your patients.

Until next time. :P

Tic 'Tag' Tom (5 things thing)

Well... I was tagged so here we go.

1. I recently upgraded my phone to Nokia 6500 classic. I want it a slim phone and that is prefect.

2. I speak and write Chinese as well English.

3. I am a huge fan of Wong Kar Wai's work. Most recent work 'My Blueberry Nights'.

4. I have been with my GF now for over 9 years and nope, she hasn't hassle me for marriages.

5. I set a gaming budget every year.

There. Done. :P

Edit: (Most of the people I want to Tag are Tagged but I did missed one friend of mine in here and for that I apologise. I Tag theycallmeryan)

Devil May Cry Completed! Finally.

Devil May Cry Completed!

Finally completed Devil May Cry 4. I know I took long, I just don't want to rush through the game so I took my sweat time to explore a bit. Like finding the free blue orbs, testing out different moves etc... I know it will hurt my final scores at the end but is only my first play through so I do have en excuse. :P Plus I was distracted by many other games such as Army of Two, Dynasty Warriors 6 and very recently, Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

I have enjoyed this game from start to finish... DMC 4 has deliver want it promised and delivered more. Nero is a great addition to the DMC universe. Although the game is easier than DMC3 but is understandable since Capcom are trying to bring in new fan base. You don't want people complaining the game being too hard but DMC veterans are complaining the game is not hard enough... lol.

Nero and Dante are simply the perfect pair. Nero's Devil Bringer which I renamed to Joy Bringer is simply the coolest demonic power in addition to the already diverse powers this game has to offer. Dante's power is nothing of short but after playing Nero for a long period of time and slamming weak demons to tough bosses with the crazy Demon Buster, it does take a while to adjust Dante (again). :P

Since Dante haven't got the Devil Bringer technique, for a second you might think he is a bit dull to control... Hey, I only said for a second. Without the Devil Bringer technique you've been relying on for so long, while using Dante it will require you to be allot more skilful than using Nero. And soon after the first boss battle using Dante and you've obtained a new demonic weapon (not exactly new just different design from previous DMC game), then you realised how cool Dante really is. To the DMC vet, Dante cannot be replace as evidently in the game. And who can forget the amazing Pandora weapon which seriously a weapon only to be use at the very last minute to save your life. lol. :P

Anyway... Either you're a Nero fan or Dante lover, DMC 4 will satisfy you in everyway. Great game, great game-play and great gaming experience. Hats off to Capcom.