Finally, after a rather lengthy wait, DMC 4 is released and I got myself a copy for my PS3.
As always, before I purchase a game, I would like to look at all the trailers, vids, pics and reviews available anywhere. This game is no different. Not because I have doubts but is something I just like to do. I've already concluded that I will definitely enjoy DMC4 so no matter what the review says, it won't change my mind. I just like to read the reviews to catch a sneak peek at the game-play, the level designs etc...
The real wait starts
As I was reading through the reviews, all had mention that the PS3 version of DMC4 will have a 20 minutes install time! Although all had pointed out, the wait for the instalment will not ruin your game and experience but it was rather a shock.
Well, after the wait of the 20 minutes instalment time and to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be since during the entire process of the instalment, there's text and pictures from DMC 1 to 3 to recap you on the history and story of what happened before DMC4. Although the information do repeats itself but is not that bad at all. So, with the instalment finish and the pre-game trailer done, I hit New Game icon and start my Demon hunting adventure.
New kid in the demon block
AS you may or may not know, in DMC4, the main guy is not quite Dante but a new demon slayer called Nero. Nero is a cool character, the first cut-scene shows that in which it depicted how Nero in many ways can match Dante's abilities. But of course, Dante is still one step ahead. And when you done finish watching the duel, your long to play Dante in next-gen format increases but you don't, you play as Nero and you have to pursuit Dante, the legend himself. However, Nero is not disappointing at all. No, far from it.
Joy Bringer
Nero has one huge exciting ability, is called the Devil Bringer. Consider this as Dante's 'Devil Trigger'. With this new ability, Nero can use his right arm to pretty much do everything. You can grab enemies when the are just out of range from your sword or when you close enough, you can use it to slam the demons on the ground which both mentioned also works in mid-air (very handy). You can even use it to obtain unreachable orbs or items, use it travel from one place to another, solve puzzles and even deliver devastating blows to the bosses. See what I mean when I say this Devil Bringer right hand of Nero can do everything! :P
Of course, as fun and essential as 'Devil Bringer' is, Nero like Dante have a firearm call 'Blue Rose' and a trusty Sword called 'Red Queen. They are just as important as previous DMC games but this time with the Devil Bringer, you can really mix things up and really cause some trouble. Also, one thing worth mentioning is Nero's sword, Red Queen , has another function - It can charge up to increase its power when striking (And the way the sword charges up is very different from any previous weapon charges from any games. Something you have to witness and experience yourself) . There are 3 levels and when you get the time, is best to charge up the Red Rose then streak the demon. However, with each successful strike, one level will be deducted meaning three powerful strikes is all you allow to have but is worth it.
I have yet to play Dante in DMC 4 yet but right now, Nero is very impressive and have the potential to replace Dante in the future. However, I still have mighty faith on Dante's game-play abilities. The Devil trigger which Nero haven't got, the beautiful twin firearms Dante's got and his Anti-hero coolness which Nero still lacks. I expect nothing less from Dante when compared to Nero. :)
Nothing's broken so Nothing fixed
Nero's mission (game-play) is just as same as any DMC games and by no means that's a bad thing. No. Far from it. The missions, the hack n'slash is still amazing and will test your abilities and your timing. If you just button mash, it will only get you through to emm... maybe 4 missions before you have to learn the combos, study the enemy, evade, mix things up to get maximum style points and use the orbs you earned for something else than Health boost. There's also the occasional puzzles which isn't too hard but helps to break the action up within the game and the secret missions which will definitely test how well you know your game. All adds to your enjoyment and experience.
The animations is smooth, Nero deliver his blows will grace and precisions. The enemies are the same and when they die, they burst into many orbs is always a great slight even back in the glory days of DMC1. The graphics have been improved but still have the distinctive DMC feel and look. level designs are always grand and stunning.
So, add it all to together, you'll have a great picture at almost every frame during your play-through. :P
Something is broken but ignored?
However the camera is still a bit on the strange side just like other DMC games. Some times it let you control the angle but most of the time, it will be fixed which can limit your vision. Not a great thing when there's some enemies approaching or that you are trying to do some serious plat-forming.
Still... Whether Capcom kept this horrible camera system because it is DMC tradition or they really like fixed camera angles due to it gives that movie-feeling, I don't know? But this old school approach of camera angle is definitely 'out' and in some situation it just don't work. Capcom, if you are reading this. Sort it out.
The strange camera angle may have you curse a bit but not enough to destroy your full enjoyment.
Final thoughts before I get back at playing the game
DMC 4 is definitely an exciting game. You Don't need to be a DMC veteran to enjoy this title. No, so go out and get it now. :P The game has great actions, great cut-scenes, great game-play ability, great boss fight and I am really enjoying it.
However, for the DMC vet, Nero is hogging all the limelight and Dante still a no show at the moment. As impressive as Nero is, at the end, I may fear that Nero had got the job done and replace Dante and inherit the Devil May Cry demon slaying business. With Dante being jobless will there be a spin off called Dante May Cry lol only joking. Well... I still have a long way to go and only time will tell whether Nero is Dante's replacement for real. After all, even Kojima want to kill Solid Snake and start fresh, may be the DMC (Dante) creator wants to start fresh in the next-gen career as well? who knows? :P Well, I am sure you had enough of me...
Until next time. :P
(next blog: DMC4 completed)
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