I will not be buying this unless I get a demo for PC. All games I've bought through the windows store have had issues in some way shape of form. Steam and Origin games work fine.
@starvebox_one: I have two PS4's that collect dust, I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of the person being a liar. My Xbox One gets more use than the PS4 due to it's multimedia capabilities. My PC gets the full workout. Steam is the real deal, full backwards compatibility, 4k support right now, and more game titles than you can shake a stick at.
@mideastweeaboo: The poll is mainly for interest. It is up to the developers, not Microsoft which games are converted. I think it may be time for a timeout for you. Do some chores or something. If you don't know how the program works, educate yourself. Don't just throw a temper tantrum in a Gamespot comment section, it's not going to help you.
In my opinion the Iron Banner is unfixable. Not sure why they try so hard to fix something so crappy. I was upset to see it returned in any form. Bright side is that it was my last straw. Moving on to other games.
Thretosix's comments