@davillain-: You taking joy out of what you think is a meltdown says more about you than EPIC. What has gotten bad about Steam? Do you even know what the word competition means? You realize if it sold on Steam it would probably be %50 off before summer. Your comment doesn't even make sense, looks nothing more than to fan the flames. You are missing the point completely. It's sad to watch people argue something that doesn't make sense because they think it's just pissing someone off.
@Jinzo_111887: I personally wasn't going to buy it anyways. I just think this tactic by EPIC is shady. I'm boycotting any EPIC, EPIC is exclusively the only client I won't spend a dime on. Forced themselves right out of any future competition for me. It's okay though, there's still GOG, humble bundle, the list goes on.
@barcaazul: Have no idea who you have been hearing things from over the last few years. One of the best features of the Steam client is managing games. Heck you can even enter CD keys for games you have physical copies of so you can manage them digitally. They have one of the best refund policies I've ever used and I've used before with no issues. It's no wonder your comment makes no sense. If you actually do some research Steam does is better than uPlay, Origin, and other clients.
@patsfan365: Sony selling Sony exclusives does fuel competition for other first party platforms to do the same. This is a whole different situation. With many other people trying to explain the same thing to you and you don't get it isn't it possible there is something that is just going over your head. Give it a break. Relax and enjoy the Super Bowl this weekend.
@patsfan365: You make less sense out this every go. I'm not defending Steam, there are plenty of other places to get games. It's going completely over your head. I don't have time for your ignorance.
@patsfan365: This is not the same as PS4 exclusives. It's like your reading a different article with your comment. You can buy this game on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This is like Microsoft trying to sell Red Dead Redemption 2 to Playstation owners by forcing them to install the Microsoft Store on a PS4 because Microsoft is taking less of a cut than Sony. Metro Exodus isn't even an EPIC game. I personally will boycott EPIC games and their client because they are taking my options away not giving me more option.
Quoting yourself as if your some kind of consumer anti competitive quality assurance. Grow up.
@patsfan365: Because they claim they are creating competition, then making it anti competitive by contracting exclusives. EPIC is being a hypocrite and you are parading their ignorance as your own.
@RogerioFM: Taking games hostage to force me to install unwanted software on my PC. No thanks. This will just save me money by never buying games that only release on EPIC. It's not being afraid, it's not bending to someone else's will that goes against your grain. Taking away choice is a poor way to puff yourself up. You become the bad guy, EPIC claimed to be a company coming in to make things competitive, they are trying to take out their self made competition. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Looks like it's time to try and get as much of a trade in as possible with a dust collecting PS4 that doesn't even get used at my friends house because I didn't use it. Perhaps my interests are different but there is nothing listed here that even looks like something I would pick up even if it were on PC during a Steam sale for $5.
I think I'm going to stop buying all games that don't release full content for the price at the door. I feel when I buy something I get what I paid for. Companies are now selling you a tease (supposed full game) and then come in for the cash grab (the stuff the left out on purpose). Season passes are nothing more than getting you to buy a $50-$60 game for $90-$100. Like some have said I've been waiting for complete editions of games that fall to standard pricing. Seems they are trying to resist.
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