Well this pairs perfectly with my threadI just started :) Thanks
Well this pairs perfectly with my threadI just started :) Thanks
Yes it is....Like I said my beliefs go much deeper but I'm trying not to overwhelm people with all I have come to learn. I am giving people a good foundation to start their research because the only reason I know what I believe is because I found out for myself through multiple books, movies, and articles. I would never have believed the whole truth if just one person told me....I encourage everyone to find out for themselves if they are curious....Yeah bro, it's called the Illuminati. Have you not heard of this stuff before?
[QUOTE="TigerWars"][QUOTE="fidosim"]I think that's a lot of conspiracy theorizing to do based on a speech that was obviously about international Communism and the USSR.fidosimI'm sorry but did you listen to the speech? Since when was Communism and the USSR considered a secret society? The USSR's press was state-controlled and routinely censored. The day-to-day operation of the government was kept very secretive.
While this may be true I don't think anybody would describe a Country that keeps secrets (all countries do) as a secret "society"..
[QUOTE="fidosim"]I think that's a lot of conspiracy theorizing to do based on a speech that was obviously about international Communism and the USSR.Fundai
beat me too it.
TC, how much time exactly have you spent looking this through? How much energy have you used? Debating this theory? honestly.
Please, ask me questions. There is a lot of information out there if you would do the research but also feel free to ask me questions :)I love debating because I love learning....at the end of the day...I just want to know the truth
I think that's a lot of conspiracy theorizing to do based on a speech that was obviously about international Communism and the USSR.fidosimI'm sorry but did you listen to the speech? Since when was Communism and the USSR considered a secret society?
I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or not but in reality you're not far off :Paliens.
I have something I want to tell you. I have nothing to gain from this and actually have much more to lose. I will sound crazy. I will sound insane. I will sound dumb. I know. All I ask is that you read what I have to say and to come to your own conclusions. What I currently believe to be true about our country and our world is controversial and will upset a lot of people. But I am firm in my beliefs. What I have come to realize over the past few months have changed my perspective of life and the world - It all started with one video actually:
That was one of John F Kennedy's last speeches before he was assassinated. He spoke of a ruthless secret society that had managed to infiltrate and influence every major aspect of our society. He was asking for help in alerting the public so that humanity can be what we were born to be - Free.
Then, of course, you know what happened next.
Sounds like a great beginning to an epic conspiracy movie, no? Well the speech is real. Listen to it and interpret it however you like. Questions will undoubtedly arise as they did for me.How is it that I have spent my whole life, my entire education, completely oblivious to this speech?Whoorwhatexactly was John F Kennedy talking about?Why is it we get no official explanation towhoorwhathe was referring to? The answers to these questions lie on a path that most of us don't dare tread; the path of conspiracy; the path of most resistance; the path, you may come to find, of no return.
John F Kennedy's words, and the urgency he delivered them with, sparked me to learn more about what exactly he was talking about.. I sifted through the internet, a number of books, and countless documentaries for what I now believe to be the truth. I believe whole-heartedly what I am about to say. I will try my hardest to keep hyperbole to a minimum and only tell you the facts that I think everyone should know. Please....research this for yourselves. Seriously. Please don't take my word for it. Research this with an open mind unravel this conspiracy on your own.
Ok....Here we go....
Our government, our media, and our leaders are controlled by a secret group of elites (Bankers, Executives, and Politicians etc.) that hope to gain total global domination through a New World Order. A New World Order in which they would have complete social, economic, military, and political control.. Every major crisis, election, recession, policy, war etc. in the past 100 years has been planned and executed by this secret society in an attempt to lay the groundwork for an emergence of a New World Order. They wish to divide us; Democrats and Republicans, and keep us focused on issues that will never see a solution. They have taken two of the most fundamental ideals of humanity, Justice and Liberty, and pitted them against each other in an ideological war that has divided us into a nearly 50-50 split. I believe the time for them to reveal themselves is coming soon. The global economy is on the verge of collapse and the world population is facing a devastating shortage of food, fresh water, and oil. Most importantly to their plan however, is that we're all blissfully unaware of what they are trying to do...
That is all I will say. My beliefs and ideas go much deeper and wider but I think it's very important for individuals to discover this on their own. While researching anything it's important to examine the evidence from multiple sources and to not solely develop opinions through the persuasions of just one person or group. Many of you will decide not to delve deeper into this as you believe it will not affect your life and your happiness... I completely respect that perspective, but I want you to understand that my sole purpose is to help people get prepared for what I believe is about to happen... I'm doing this because it is all so obvious what they are attempting to do and it is insulting to our intelligence to think that we won't notice and/or care. Our freedom, our liberty, and our independence is at stake.
If you decide to pursue this further you will find many people that believe as I do, but remember, just because they get some things right doesn't mean they won't get anything wrong. And Vice Versa...Nobody will know the complete 100% truth. The most crucial part of having a open mind is keeping it open and to try our hardest to resist the comfort and security of a close-mind...use logic....ask questions that you would be crazy to even consider...Why not? Don't be afraid of wrong information and trust yourself that you can filter through the **** I have a done a complete 180 on many of the things that I once believed and have come to accept that my beliefs are never set in stone... Most importantly I will add this, at the risk of alienating some of my friends: Never be ashamed to ask God for guidance. Also never let the information you may discover frighten or worry you. I believe there is real good side to all of this and that good will ultimately triumph over evil.
Thank you all for reading and I wish you the best of luck in the coming months and years...
They do awesome things with it...
Off Topic: Is there an official forum on GS for Steam Games trading? I have just found out out about it and have aquite a few games id like to trade butnobody to trade them with
A lot of Nintendo hate going around - a lot I can understand....a lot i don't. It started with the 3DS...people were mad because they didn't like the 3D or the fact that you couldn't use the 3D and the gyro at the same time....soooo would you rather Nintendo not give you the options? Like seriously I'm glad the 3D is a feature even if I won't use it much.
Now what I really don't get is the second analog attacthment hate. I am an early adopter (ambassador) but I am thriled for the news. Seriously...would you rather of them gone this entire gen with one slider pad?? I'm thrilled they decided to change their mind. Yeah the attacthment is ugly but still. We should be happy Nintendo listenede to us and changed their mind...that is what we should be celebrating...
help me understand the hate... These are options given to us....it's for the better....stop complaining
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