@daemonproject @Tiger_Ali @ken4062 Well green isnt looking so good if u ask me they look blue cuz they couldn't carry out their original objective to control your LIVING ROOM HAHAHAHAHAHAH
@Prats1993 You know they will look at it now last of us kicked ass. Innovation takes time I dont care what anyone says titanfall is more of the same old same ol' shoot this and shoot that with a robot or jetpack but its still a linear 1st person shooter thats what microsoft does best Tired of it already. When Sony brings out there exclusives...mark my words it will be a big difference
@DeViLzzz Boo they practically have the same titles Titanfall fall wont be launch ready lol so what the hell will u be playing that anyone on ps4 wont be please tell me... driveclub el prob be better than forza anyway project gotham was better than it they dont have better titles unless you like hacking away endlessly at dumb zombies dr3
@JaCkk210 @Tiger_Ali All it had to be was a generation in to come out with their second console while Microsoft was to busy handling their 1s,t Sony was moreorless occupying the homes of damn near everyone with the ps2
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