@vegasdan30 @Aria1368 lol right how many of us went thru 2 or 3 or even more xboxs and 360's imagine if there is a case of that crap on the xbone, what then.
Can't wait... I'm just waiting to see when M$ comes out with theirs. Probably at least 2 weeks before to stand a chance in US sales, global against Sony is out of the question... epic fail. Right around X-mas and before black friday. Parents aren't stupid neither is the consumer $100 is a big difference. So to all fan boys, to get a clear idea on console war progression, check out those sale numbers at the end of the year.
@blackbeltjones @Tiger_Ali A losers excuse is your reply..."cuz I could afford it", huh? Its because your 40 that your not able to break the gap to see if any console the Wii/ Wii u have the most fun titles. I'm educated enough to know that if a console does poorly in sales and marketing it cant stay in the competition against the other consoles(Sega dreamcast), thus the other consoles left create a monopoly on the market which means anyone involved in gaming would have either console left increasing the possibilities of having friends that maybe gamed on the failing console onto one major console, improving the chances I'd find 40 yr old players like u that enjoy...lets say... multiplayer, and have them not enjoying multiplayer anymore!
The War does effect us. X box live is good psn couldn't honestly compete on the ps3. Now ps4 people have no choice but to pay. There doing it because its gonna take some money to get some decent defenses up and maintain the quality of the service. The quality of online services should now be the same. I have a mountain of friends that game on Xbox 360 they wont game on Sony ps3 they hate it! They like I do believe in the Console War and wouldn't mind seeing the other side go down in flames. But we've been like this since Genesis vs. SNES, Sega Saturn vs. Sony PlayStation vs. Nintendo 64, PS2 Vs. XBOX Vs. GameCube, Ps3 vs. Xbox 360 vs. Wii...Now Ps4 vs. Xbox ONE vs. Wii U.
Now that I hear those friends once loyalist to there console abandoning ship(Microsoft) for reasons specific to them but no different in distasteful restrictions and limitations being apart of there brand, are going to the ps4, and think about this on a broad scale and just in the US alone no where else matters cuz Microsoft is liked no where else really, and start fathoming that gaming community...(goes mad) HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!
Tiger_Ali's comments