@tormentos: damn you still sound mad lol go argue with the dev that said 14+4 setup was easy to use I not me so go to japan and you can fight with him.
We wasnt talking about the supposely 15 special processors I said the 2 extra graphic compute commands and the 2 extra cpu compute command its for gpgpu not need to uses the CUs thats used for graphics
That audio chip only has true audio framework aka a wrapper Cerny said you will still would need CPU for some in game sounds.
The ps4 doesnt have a separate processors for video encoding and decoding and still using cpu for resizing and compositing.
The ps4 doesnt have a extra cpu lol stop that but that was funny torm.
I said the engines devs are using are dx 9 dx 10 engines on a system thats fully dx11.2 and dx12 isn't going to get the most out of the system.
Just go read what NVIDIA, AMD doing for the upcoming cards and you tell me who is more inline where the industry is moving to.
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