@edidili: lol I know that I was telling TORM I was doing these things already he MAD be cause UNSTABLESTATION is barebones and static at this moment no one is talking about the ps4 the sites only diss x1 in their ps4 sections just to get hits its sad really I don't see why they just don't buy a pc and maybe truly have a reason to bash the x1.
Tighaman's forum posts
you don't need a surface to play those games idiot you just need a tablet that has hdmi and runs windows 8.1 and theres plenty besides the surface homie don't be mad because the ecosystem on your console of choice is in shambles waiting on more money for servers, PS+ unstable, PS NOW unstable, Remote play unstable, 60fps unstable, hell the system wobbles so unstable lmao UNSTABLESTATION 4 ol stale ass console
@tormentos: Tell me what I cant do without a surface that was doing except play Atari arcade that Im not doing right now on my pc my tablet with my x1? That's right you cant you just talk I don't even know why Im responding.
@tormentos: Again just rambling on that nonsense I said the industry is not moving to heavy GPU COMPUTE, and you showed one link that I was already explaining and everyone cant use local cloud show me others that's doing local cloud GPU and CPU COMPUTE show me SONY doing it oh that's right they still waiting on you all to buy more games so they can buy more servers.
I don't really see how it is behind what resolution Im sorry I rather have 720 better textures than 1080p washed out or 900 with no jaggies at all than 1080p with minimal AA but hey to each its own
The AZURE CLOUD is the biggest cloud infrastructure and MS has unlimited resources its real and its coming rather you like it or not cry and tell the people its not possible like you work for MS but SONY tell you anything and you are giddy like a lil school girl but they are slow and stale like their games and the new console.
@tormentos: dude stop riding my nutts because you have no idea what you talking about and everytime I hit you with some technical shit you say it misterx I do most of that stuff right now without a surface can you do remote play without a VITA hell no so shut the hell up please either you have poor trolling skills or you are truly an idiot so which one is it?
man it don't make no sense how much hate goes on site EVERYTHING he said on that video was cool but hey SONY gives you a ps4 AND throw remote play down your throats and make you go buy a vita but that's the greatest thing ever lol, stop the hate it was a great video before I seen his first video I was hooking my external hard drive to my bluray player hooked to my x1 to watch my movies but I stream everything even live tv without cable great info.
@tormentos: you so stupid sometimes TORM I don't make theories I see possibilities I really think you are mad because no one really talks about the ps4 it is what it is an upgrade from the ps3 that's it the cam is have no better success than move and the graphics are the same engines upgraded to 1080p resolution that's it its stale as hell, GPU compute has nothing to do with LOCAL CLOUD COMPUTE so don't worry about ps4 doing it and the industry is not moving to heavy GPU compute and with two more CPU compute processors, for offloading two more GPU compute processors for offloading, and CLOUD for offloading only the ps4 will be behind. I seen NVIDIA do something you say it cant be done with 109 GPUs just think of the possibilities when having 100,000 GPUs together stop acting close minded because YOUR CONSOLE of CHOICE is not moving forward or taking a hella of a time to catch up.
he is basically telling you that PS NOW will always have a latency problem because PS4 doesn't have LOCAL CLOUD COMPUTE I said it before the Ethernet port is connected to the SOC for a reason everyone thinking its a joke but its happening rather the fanboys like it or not.
the camera has its own UI TORM and that video that's being shown is not coming from the CPU side TORM you make my head hurt talking to you EVERY GPU HAS RESERVATION TORM WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND there are many things you gonna be able to hook to your ps4 and you need reservation TORM that's all im saying.
crytek are graphical bullies lol
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