@Shewgenja: Folks you didn't say not a thing and just because your DUCKASS don't listen and only read sony bullshit that's yall fault. Way before MISTERXMEDIA there where PLENTY of DOCs that THIS SITE AND EVERY OTHER SITE WAS SHOWING AT THE TIME, that was showing YUKON PDF which is the same as the DURANGO PROJECT has two GPUs The leaks had the SAME THING SHOWING so don't say its just misterxmedia ....True its an anti sony site but that guy do more investigation than a detective and its commendable to me, dude work very hard he brings some kind of evidence to the things he says not repeating GaF, gamespot,IGN, or N4g posters. Theres many things that points to some different things on the x1.
I really don't know what part of the world yall are from but this is AMERICA MONEY RULES EVERYTHING you get what you want your way you want BIG BANK CONTROLS EVERYTHING MS HAS THE MONEY THEY WILL CONTROL THE INDUSTRY they know whats happening in your homes and you think they don't know whats happening in GAMING LOL?
Still no talk about offloading the CPU with TWO MORE CPU computes
Still no talk about offloading the GPU with TWO MORE GPU computes
The Cloud works DRIVATARS is just the start being able to offload ANYTHING rather big or small helps you put more into the game period.
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