Timberwolf5578's forum posts
How much does the FCOM mod change the game? Does it actually have added quests or different quests? Does it have new NPCs?
Any responses will be appreciated.
[QUOTE="Timberwolf5578"]Some people on here say that the mods make Oblivion so much better, but from the videos I have seen of the mods, it still looks like it has way more action than a boring "traditional" D&D RPG. So isn't that kind of hypocritical to say Oblivion sucks, but then to say it's good with mods, when it's still a more action-oriented game even with the mods?
Nah, I don't think it's hypocritical because the combat wasn't the only problem people had with the game. The leveling was a huge complaint when it first came out. I really don't understand why people disliked Oblivion's combat as if Morrowind's was any better. They complain that Oblivion's combat was simple clicking...but what the hell did you do in Morrowind? At least we had the capability to block & do some simplistic combos in Oblivion. Morrowind's combat without mods was literally just click click click..hold click.
Oblivion's combat is excellent on a console with a controller. I don't see how it could be any worse with a mouse and keyboard. I would say Oblivion's combat is 100 times better than the pause.......click.......pause..........click combat of traditional D&D RPGs.
Fair enough. I hereby proclaim Diablo 2 a terrible roleplaying game.
But it's not a roleplaying game - which is really the point. It's a hack 'n' slash roleplaying game. Comparing Diablo 2 with Fallout is like comparing Half Life 2 with Battlefield 2. They may fall into the same genre, but they are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
The problem with Oblivion is it's neither here nor there. It's bad as a roleplaying game and it's bad as a hack 'n' slash roleplaying game, too (without a ****ton of mods, anyway). I honestly haven't played the game with a single mod, but I'll happily acknowledge it as somewhere between good and great with the right mods - but only as a hack 'n' slasher.
Some people on here say that the mods make Oblivion so much better, but from the videos I have seen of the mods, it still looks like it has way more action than a boring "traditional" D&D RPG. So isn't that kind of hypocritical to say Oblivion sucks, but then to say it's good with mods, when it's still a more action-oriented game even with the mods?
Let me sum up those "traditional" D&D RPGs (i.e. BGII, Fallout 2, Planescape Torment):
Read......read........read..........click..........read...........read..........read............click..........do some boring attack and get some cryptic display of damage (i.e. THACO).............walk around...........click on NPC.......... read...........read..........read.........start falling asleep from the boredom..........start snoring.............zzzzzzzzz. Put disk away..........put action hack and slash RPG disk in...........start actually having fun.
[QUOTE="Timberwolf5578"][QUOTE="Grim_Wolf88"]Most of the general market is impatient, undereducated, and indifferant to the crap they get fed....
Education level has nothing to do with disliking boring games.
If you lack education you lack capacity to problem solve and think critically making things more complex than they really are and then you tend to refer as these "complex" things as dull and boring...
Your argument is completely flawed. Education level, intelligence, IQ, etc. have nothing to do with disliking boring games.
Most of the general market is impatient, undereducated, and indifferant to the crap they get fed....
Education level has nothing to do with disliking boring games.
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