I could say the same thing Master Chief would just use the covenant invisibility you find throughout the games.Chief wouldn't find Snake.
Timbury's forum posts
Graphics have always mattered in system wars.
In fact, it was probably worse in the GENESIS and SNES days.
Remember when Mega Man (ONE) had "HD" graphics? lol!
Compared to the resolution that the Super Nintendo displayed at. . . it did :P but i get what you mean HD graphics not really.Ok guys i finshed the video only included games that have polygon 3D graphics didn't include 32X because it was 32bit, but anyway hope you like it check out the rest of my videos while your there :P bit of a plug.
MegaMix No 2. Legacy 3D
Just click the link for the video (YouTube)
Hey guys im making a new youtube video and im gonna make it on all the 3D polygon games that came out in the 16Bit era of video games so far i have -
Virtua Racing - MegaDrive/Genesis
Star Fox - Super Nintendo
Stunt Race FX - Super Nintendo
Dirt Trax FX -Super Nintendo
Vortex - Super Nintendo
Silpheed - MegaCD/SegaCD
Is that all or are there any others?
Gitaroo Man - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRw54IXvpE8&feature=PlayList&p=9B23A78D3D249A74&index=101
Little Big Adventure 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqrNEjtl2FI
Alundra - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62HoIMZ8xAE
Sonic 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRuJfhEeCe8
F-Zero - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDwLy1_6nDw&feature=PlayList&p=F10B9FEF959D8065&index=122
Also Streets of Rage series andJet Set Radio/future.
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