Thats how Windows see's it for example i have my Q6600 currently overclocked to 3.0GHz but Windows still states it at only 2.4GHz. Don't worry your CPU will be overclocked.
The skinless babies with knives in the school from the Original Silent Hill demo that came with MGS1 here in the UK before they changed it in the full version to those stupid monsters with claws.
Gunstar Heroes (MegaDrive/Genesis), Dynamite Headdy (MegaDrive/Genesis) and Sparkster (SNES) - I love Treasures MegaDrive/Genesis games they really knew how to get the most outtaSega's box.
Got first Gears day of release here in the UK was blown away by its graphics and loved its gameplay was really excited to get the sequel.
When the sequel came out rushed to get it got home and was disapointed. I couldn't understand why for awhile but i believe the problem was it wasn't different enough from the first and i had become bored with its style.
Hope this isnt old news but couldn't see anything about it on the first 3 pages. . .
Going by this article it seems Microsoft and the Xbox360 are not the only ones suffering from faulty consoles. I wanted to post this as there has been lots of talk recently on these forums of the Xbox360 RROD and i wanted bring it to everyones attention that yes the Xbox360 has got a high failure rate but it isn't and won't be the only one for long.
Just tried Prince of Persia 2008 with CF disabled i get average of around 45FPS with CF enabled i getting average 68-72FPS so CF seems to be working fine with this motherboard just COD4 that has the issue
Yeah im using the two bridges and six and four pin from the PSU for both cards. Tested each card seperately to see if one was faulty both run the same score in 3Dmark06 so not that either.
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