I continue to stand firmly on my opinion that games have a distinct level of narrative because you are more a part of the world. Movies are for watching.
@noandno I don't think any purchase I have ever been able to make was on either of my parents credit cards. Not paying for the crap that would keep me inside forced me to go outside and mow lawns for money to buy games. Also, I learned valuable life lessons like the value of a dollar and basic social skills. Coincidentally, the majority of tweens now are huge twits.
@VooDooJenkins A lot of people simply get bored and would like to see what's next. There are "douchey hipsters", sure. You are generalizing a large chunk of people though. In defence of said hipsters, we all know what a CoD game is going to be like and we all know what is going to happen when Activision says it has a new "secret" game a year from now. Based on that, people could make a pretty definitive call on whether they want another CoD or not. Why we have to spam internet boards, I have no idea.
Timmy_Gwar's comments