I don't get why anyone is uncomfortable with this. I mean, I can understand that you ARE uncomfortable, but even a blind baby knows what a breast is. Though this does objectify women a little bit, they where 3d, and the real girl on the valentines card probably gave her consent for that because its her body. @jtrory If vulgar isn't funny then why are all of the vulgar movies making the most money, or why did Duke Nukem Forever sell at all? You can have your opinion, but come on!
@khaos107 Its probably because there where over 700 mods in three days. I'd like to see you sift through all of those in time to write up a non-biased, easy-going list of fun elements.
@Patrickbrown56 It really doesn't matter what your track record is anymore does it? Rockstar has an amazing track record and this is an ideal project for Team Bondi to handle due to their history. Above all I assume from the game footage that the game mechanics are familiar to RDR. If you liked RDR I'm guessing you will love LA Noire. Or we could just assume that it won't be as good (not bad but not as good) as RDR and forget anyone ever made the effort.
So, the Dragon Age series has moved through time and space? Trippy. Though it wasn't as good as Origins it was still a good RPG. The story got a bit dodgy for a bit (I had no idea what was going on in the final scenes) it was interesting. Think about MMO's, they are essentially about doing random tasks for experience and money and live out an alternate life through personal choice and that's where I think they where trying to go with DA2. I just wish there had been a bit more scenery, Kirkwall is nice and big but you can get tires of the same place after so many hours. Can't wait for the DLC.
@BeatGen I agree. I live in the forest, literally. I'm in a very rural part of Canada and the nearest city is nearly two hours away (we just got a 1.5meg wireless connection about a month ago, before that the only option was dial up, very rural). I just got a blood test and apparently I have more than a few toxic metals in my bloodstream. Odd, considering I drink water from a regularly tested well and I eat organic produce that my friends have grown. Doctor said I probably picked up the toxins through airborne pollutants and anything "non-stick or microwavable". I recently watched a documentary called Homo Toxicus" and learned that as toxic as I am, I am by far better off than someone in a city. You guys a screwed. You can't spell "anti-environmental" without "mental" or "viral" or "metal in meat" and it's one "O" short of moron. Don't complain about paying to much for electricity and gas and then turn around and not do anything about it.
So wait, let me get this strait. Newer technology is more efficient than older technology? No way... @Environment Haters/Bleeding Heart's Pollution=Bad (I guarantee there is evidence to support that) Money=Good So... Earth - Pollution = Good Money + People = Good (Money + People) + (Earth - Pollution) = Everybody wins! Seriously, stop being ignorant everyone, you would have to be a pretty blissful person to say we have no effect on the planet. On the other hand if you go full-on Al Gore people tend to stop listening. Money talks however and if you can save money and help the environment (or even over consumption) at the same time then whats the problem? You might think your hummer looks pretty cool, but the people in the other cars are just saying "I bet that's a rich a**hole with...small assets". Don't live in denial, trying living in reality with the rest of us, its fun down here.
I dont know guys. With the multiple mentions of porting and the very basic and simple evidence presented I think this is a no brainer. Either that or Gamepot is paid by microsoft to sell thier consoles descreetly, which obviously isn't happening. Dont argue for a single console to justify paying for it, thats just not cool, especially when it makes you reveal yourself as a fool publicly.
Timmy_Gwar's comments