@FLEEBS I really don't think the controller is the problem. It got reviewed quite well by a lot of sources.
The problem is Nintendo at its core. They have always been programming and hardware geniuses. Which means that they keep making things run on a small amount of decently advanced hardware that comes at a low cost (relatively).
This is known also as efficiency.
Great for Rayman, but for all of the games that recently developed that cannot perform on the Wii U hardware, not great. Need I mention the AAA games currently in development? How about a year from now when the Wii U is Gigabytes under the required hardware and still getting shafted by developers? Developers that find it cheaper and easier to develop for Microsoft, Sony and Valve (go Steambox!). Honestly, its business, same thing holding back that elusive female protagonist I keep hearing about.
Also, what don't we know financially? Is Nintendo backing up third party developers? Should they?
A controller, gimmick or not, is just the input. Without intuitive, interesting and, yes , good looking games the controller is a really big etch-a-sketch.
Oh, and haters are going to hate my brethren, fact of forums.
@petez34 Also a crew and canons and hidden blades and what I'm sure will be very detailed and gruesome hand to hand windpipe breaking. Being that I've been getting bored by the end of the last few games, this might be a step in a nice new direction.
Timmy_Gwar's comments