@zeus_RO As a PC gamer, I bought a PS3 for this game. If you can wait, the draw distance alone will be worth it. You'll have to be a bit ignorant for now if you don;t want to hear about the biggest game release of the summer.
@WantYouBad I thought that they increased the number of interiors for the new one. It's a little hard to make THAT many interiors, but I have a feeling that you'll be able to go inside a lot more.
@hunterbarnett Give V a shot. Apparently the cutscenes are seamless like Max Payne 3 and anything you do in a mission spills over to the game world (i.e. if Franklin left the mission in a boat and you switch to him after, he'll still be driving the boat home). It's about as linear as an open world can get.
You know you did a good job when the majority of your marketing is speculative word of mouth based on tidbits of semi-relevant information. Rockstar could have released the map image and a minute long trailer and they would still have people lining up.
The game works, its playable, and it has the diablo feel. So, based on the ratings system, maybe 8, sure. Having that said, I still want a refund for the PC version and this doesn't look terribly different.
Timmy_Gwar's comments