The box and manual isn't a big deal for me, but it's nice if I can get it. I usually just put the game in my Triforce disk wallet. Then I can hold the entire thing over my head as if I've found the boss chest and go "Da da da DUUUNNNNN!"
Hmm, I'd want to get the lime green; it sounds funky... The black one would remind me too much of an itty bitty PS3. It would be neat to have all the consoles match though...
Oh, then definitely buy it from your friend. You can't beat all the stuff that comes with it; a really good game, classic controller, and a VC game. I say go for it, a few months isn't going to put a lot of wear and tear on the console.
I got mine in November by camping out, but not for the Wii. My family's in the military, and the Post Exchange(it's kinda like a mini-mall for soldiers) was opening early for Thanksgiving weekend. Well, my mother convinced me to go with them because the first hundred or so people got a gift card, and I have one of those moms who makes her entire family line up with her so we can all get gift cards. So while I'm wandering around in my dazed attempt to pull various Christmas gift-worthy items into my cart, my mom notices a drawing to win "an opportunity to purchase" a Wii. She enters my name without telling me about it, and I didn't find out what had happened until I got a call the next day. Seems that I won, so they were holding a Wii at the store for me, and all I had to do was go pay for it. Fortunately I had a 20% off coupon, good for that weekend only. Turns out I got to nab a Wii a week or so after launch, tax-free because it was on a military post, for 50 bucks off. Good deal.
I played Excite Truck for several days straight, but then my eyes got tired so I stopped playing for a while. It's actually what got my fiance' on the "Wii-wagon" and excited about the Wii's launch, ever since I got him to try the demo. I really would've liked a four-player option though...
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