Cliff should change his profession to Analyst now. Since he seems to do their job.
Still, I can't say he's wrong. Nintendo is no more the industry leader it once was. Most people are just about sick of seeing the #3001 Mario game and yearly Pokemon games, and they rely on gimmicks too much to save their lacking consoles. Unfortunately for them, unlike Wii ,everyone already has some kind of Tablet, and those who don't, probably won't get it for the WiiU. And with those abysmal sales figures, they are in deep shit.
And the tension between SONY and Microsoft grows ever stronger with the release of the new gen. Both are fighting for the love of both fans and developers alike.
And the PC really is blooming. The Platform that up to not so long ago was considered dead and done, has made a destructive comeback and, for the first time in more than a decade, is posing a serious threat to the console market (Steam has over 40 Million registered users and between 1-6 Million connected at the same time on average).
Whether this is a phase or crash, only time will tell.
Another pointless article on a problem that doesn't exist.
Don't you like to be a drama queen?
I've seen far too many "women warriors" in games recently than I care to count. Yet you whine all the same.
The Gears comment from Epic makes perfect sense. The game is all about machoism and muscle heads blowing s**t up, clearly aiming at male adolescent teens. Acknowledging the market for your game and responding accordingly is not sexism. However, ignoring this information just to satisfy your need for self-importance, is sheer juvenile stupidity.
Don't know about Aliens case, didn't play the game and was never much of a fan.
I keep seeing these articles and all I hear is whining about not having women represented the way you like it. What makes you think they owe you anything? That's not anyone's problem if you have a grudge againt developers for not worshipping feminist ideals.
And at the end of the day, in alot of games, it would make alot more sense to play a man in a war game. That is, if you're aiming for realistic depictions.
Also, as much as Irecall, there has been a steady increase of women and feminine focus in fantasy games, most apparent in games like Guild Wars 2 and Dragon Age.
TohouAsura's comments