Alot of news that surfaced over recent years as well as articles like this prove to us time and time again, that despite what we think we know, the Games Industry is tough and brtual, and clearly isn't for everybody.
Creative staff has to conform to management demands to ever see their passion come to bear fruit, development staff is being abused and overworked to meet deadlines, Management becomes greedier and more brutal with it's demands...
We get quality games, but at what price?
We journeyed a long way from the days of Atari games, but as games grew in technicall prowess, so did their demanding resources. And it never stops or declines, just rises.
I really commend developers who push through and talk about this stuff. It's not easy.
Also, it's well known people who get the most burned out are Programmers. Programming in general is a profession people get tired of at some point or another.
My GTX670 ran Crysis 3 with Max settings and lowered MSAA and Low Post Processing at 20-40 fps. That's really not that big of a difference as far as performance with these settings goes.
And yet, my Card's price is a third of that of the Titan.
Conclusion: Price says alot about quality, but so does overpricing.
You also forgot to make a Modded Skyrim comparison. ENBs for Skyrim use ALOT of cool Post-Processing effects.
In terms of modelling and enviromental design, No. There really isn't THAT big of a change. Better texturing and meshes are noticeable, but not nearly the leap PS2-PS3 was.
As far as actual effects like Anti Analiasing, DOS, and lightning goes, there's a HUGE improvement. To catch a glimpse of that, try some graphical mods for Skyrim, especially Lightning Overhauls and ENBs. Yes, they are post-processing mostly, but with more work to the engine can be done while sending the render call.
It's not that we weren't capable of doing it before, it's just that the hardware was not capable of doing it.
But even though the limits can be pushed even FURTHER, the budget can't. It's gonna require ALOT of manpower, ALOT of powerful hardware, VERY stressfull, the workload grows HUGELY, everything becomes harder and more punishing.
That's why Bioware is correct on the budget stuff, incorrect in the graphics department.
TohouAsura's comments