Clunky, big, heavy, wierd-looking. It's everything I hate about the X360 controller, only in Dualshock form.
First, why is the D-pad and Icon Buttons so far away from each other? I have long fingers and even I can tell this is going to be a problem.
Second, I really don't like the new curve of the analogs. I like the original contrasting curve that held on to my fingers without actually trapping it by sort of going against it. This just looks the same as the 360 analogs.
Third, they got the trigger buttons completely wrong. They went for the opposite of what they should've done there, instead of broadening them for a better grip, they further arrowed it to a triangle shape. Using these is going to be a nightmare.
Fourth, Why the **** do we need a touchpad in the middle? It's so goddamn pointless. What's wrong with the old Start-Select buttons? This just makes no sense.
And fifth, what the hell is up with the handles? I've used alot of controllers, yet nowhere, EVER, did I see a controller that expands the more it goes down. It's supposed to be more narrow, or at least the same. Giving it a lower "head" just gives it heavier weight and a wierd look, why would they do that?
Dualshock kept improving with each gen, DS3 was goddamn perfect. What the hell happened to spawn this abomination??
@thequickshooter @nickpeck36 ... Why would you buy a Vita JUST to play PSP games? It's like buying the same stuff at a much higher price... It's ridiculous.
This is how you make a decent Hack 'n' Slash. Granted, I wish it was longer, but it succeeds still in doing what Platinum does best-- Hardcore, replayable, deep and incredibly fun action.
@Kazuma_Kiryu What I find most hilarious about your comment is that you make this comparison yet you called yourself Kazuma Kiryu, one of the most badass, overkill, powerful men in gaming.
TohouAsura's comments