@abHS4L88 That freedom has nothing to do with the easy as **** combat.
AC failed in this since day one. And no, Master assassins are not necessarily super-strong. That's just a deranged image instilled in you by the ever so block-buster AC2.
A real master assassin would kill his target and no one would know he was even there.
I agree with almost all of your points, Shaun. You really do care about this series.
And yes, MGS3 was the best MGS, no exceptions.
But I think you misunderstood. Volgin was never really the big bad villain in this game. I meanhe was, but he's just a tool. He was used by the philosophers, used by The Boss for her own motives, Volgin was just there to make use of his money.
Now, Ocelot.. That's a different matter entirely.
Ocelot is the best antagonist i've ever seen. He is always there, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad, sometimes for both. But he is always THERE, lurking in the shadows, thinking of next scheme.
This was a great build up to MGS4, when he becomes pro-active and makes himself the real antagonist.
An archenemy built over 4 games, that's brilliant writing right there.
I'm still waiting for Kojima to announce an MG1&2 remake, and then put Metal Gear to it's rest like the glorious franchise it is.
@WillyChong "they still tall me that's a dragon instead of a wyvern........" That's why I said Todd Howards screwed this up.
You don't see Wyverns in Skyrim because if Bethesda would've thought of Wyverns they would've seen their mistake.
The Dragons in Skyrim walk on two and rely on their wings as ground support, plus they are pretty small for actual Dragons, only Alduin is really "dragon-big".
The sizes vary between different artists and writers, but there are agreed upon rules. Dragons are giant lizards walking on FOUR. Wyverns are lesser lizards walking on TWO, similiar to a lizard/bird hybrid.
@superdav42 Dragons do not originate from Dinosaurs as Dinosaurs are a 20th century discovery, I believe.
Dragons originate from early Greek and Middle Eastern Mythology, and later on in the Eastern Asiasn Mythology. The two are different depictions of dragons, yet both are stemmed from ancients folklore legends.
The first dragon wasn't actually a flying fire-spitting lizard, it was the Basilisk, essentially the same as a Dragon, only it's a hen instead of a lizard.
We do have dragons nowadays, but like Cam said, it's no a real "Dragon". I know of another race of dragons, only they are just really small lizards that can run on water.
I'm still amazed how easily misled people are.
Most of the Skyrim fans are incredibly misinformed, and apparently Todd Howard lacks common knowledge of fantasy dragons.
The Skyrim 'Dragon' is not an actual Dragon. It's a wyvern. Wyverns are the lesser cousins of Dragons, they are not nearly as mighty and proud, but the biggest difference between a dragon and a wyvern is that a dragon has four legs and wings, while a wyvern only has two legs and wings.
The Elder Scrolls dragons have only tw legs, therefore they are wyverns.
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