@Razer361 @killman961 No man, it doesn't have better online. the hacker attack was a server overload and could easily be done to Microsoft, it's only that SONY was the target.
People who say the online is better are just trying to justify Microsoft ripping them off for playing a game online.
Also the Xbox is an incredibly unreliable console. There's not a sinlge person here who can truly say he owns a 360 since launch, or at least the early years, gamed countless hours on it, and can claim that it still works perfectly or hasn't been fixed or replaced before. NONE.
@LindBergh2007 You're an idiot if you think a hulk like SONY, who's been in the business for nearly more than half a century, and in the videogame business for 20, and has beeen so far very successful in them, will go under so simply.
Video games are a division that PROFITS them. It's the other hardware devisions that fail,, since SONY makes good, but pricey products, and nowadays there are better product TVs from companies like LG and Toshiba, for cheaper, and SONY, once the hulk of Music players, was obliterated by the rise of the Smartphones, which made all CD and MP3 players obsolete.
At the worst scenario, SONY will shut down the divisions that make it fall, and focus purely on what profits them until they get back on even footing.
@Kravyn81 What's more, I honestly can't find a good reason to get an Xbox360 nowadays, unless you JTAG it.
PS3 has more exclusives, a much bigger library overall (Whazzat? NO GAEMZ??). It does much more (DVD & Blu Ray movies, music, games, internet browser, etc...).It also has a free online, and before people go "You need to pay for quality", let's save the effort, we all know that is bullshit and you are just trying to justify MS robbing you for online.
That said, 360 DOES have better 3rd party support, but there's only a select few games that work better on a 360.
I think currently speaking, the best combination you can have for a good gaming experience is PC+PS3. Most people who move to PC abandon their 360. But not many abandon their PS3 completely.
BUT, BUT, I have to say, PS3 failed pretty bad compared to PS2 and PS1. SONY missed the shot at launch and is still making amends for it.
@GIXX3R I lvoe the scent of everything new, but damn those Blu-Rays smell good! I could sniff them ALL DAY LONG.
That, and a car. OH, and a new book. That rough smell of wood coming from a fresh and clean paper, mhmmm... God, I would buy it all over again if I had the money, just for that smell, that feel... LOVE IT.
I CAN buy digital and smell my computer, but I doubt that would give me the same effect. Really doubt it.
OH, did I mention I LOVE the smell of a new computer too?? So metallic.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am Why would they talk about his death? People die everyday, and besides, this is a gaming site, it has nothing to do with Tony's life or projects.
Customization of actual character does NOT belong in GTA, unless it's a mod.
Rockstar makes a good game because they focus on a narrative with a focused character, letting you customize it, i'd bet a good amount you'll probably create some naked deviance and completely obliterate whatever atmosphere Rockstar was trying to create.
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