@PSYCHOV3N0M He gains alot. PS3-optimized games are hard to make, but infinitely better in quality. The GPu and Processing power blows Xbox360 out of the water.
Xbox360 ruined titles with it's limitations, such as GTAIV.
Of course, a PC outmatches them all, but MGS is a console franchise, and even though i'm a hardcore PC gamer, I want it to stay that way. Consoles ruined Crysis, and I don't want PC to ruin MGS.
@glack123 Goodness, no. Playing the Boss and the Cobra unit? Why? It's so mundane and has nothing to do with the canon that ties directly to Snake. The Boss isn't even THAT cool. A good character yeah, but one to play as? Eh.
And how can you say they can't do anything with it? Why does every MGS fan say that? You people are a dissapointment, all of you.
Ever heard of Philanthropy? No, Not that fan-made movie. between MGS1 and MGS2. And what about between MGS2 and MGS4? It was never really explained what happened there.
@isshiah @Kravyn81 Talking about psychological damage and mental illness comnig out of someone with an avatar of Bane seems quite surprisignly fitting. :)
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