@Brean24 @TohouAsura The first part of your comment implies I should not take you seriously, but i'll bite.
Good for you, ya have a decent ISP.
Guess what? Most of us, don't.
Just because you don't have that problem, doesn't mean there isn't a problem.
Also i'm getting recruited to the army in a month. Connecting to the internet would have me end up in jail for potentially compromising my country. Therefore, useless garbage.
In other words, take off your rose-tinted glasses.
@eyeball2452 They did show hardware, the specs I mean. That's what matters.
XONe looks like a VHS player but considering SONY's previous desgins, which were all top notch, i'm expecting this to be just as slick. I hope it won't just look like an upgraded PS3 though.
@Blueresident87 @TohouAsura PC has reason for that, mainly piracy since the game is launched through an exe and not a disk. Steam compensates for it thourgh excellent deals.
SONY already announced that while they won't stop publishers for charging used game fees, they won't force you into it, it's a publisher choice.
And they also announced Always online is not gonna happen, they said it themselves "It's simply impractical, not everyone can be always connected".
For that alone, they won me over for another generation.
@andon13 @TohouAsura Yes, because these are big games. But you don't install all of the game file, just the ones that slow down loading time. Also, PS3 allows you to connect another HDD, no fees or anything.
TohouAsura's comments