Anything similar to a human level of intelligence and problem solving. With that, I'd still find it fascinating if we ever even find anything animal like.
I think the only country with the power to do it would be China....-Renegade
China has no navy...
Of course it is a law of history that every great empire must fall, but I can't see it happening in the near future. And I definitely think it will be by the gradualeconomic decline of the west, not by outright invasion.
definitely not. Well, anything is within the realm of possibility, but ghosts are about as unlikely as aliens building the pyramids at Giza. Suprisingly, 40% of Americans believe in them... kinda scary imo
the last time that happend was with peal harbor...and look what happen to them!Solid-CELL
lol not an invasion. Closest America ever came to invasion in the modern age was when Japan conqured some Aluetian islands in WW2, and this was not considered an invasion of US soil just because Alsaka was not a state at that time...
You are birracial. It's not a bad thing at all- I am half Japanese, so I will definitely not say that I am Japanese, but nor will I say that I am white. I actually have a problem with people seeing a half black-half white guy as more black than white. Take Obama for instance. He's not black, he's half black.
Ilike Gingrich, but he's changed his opinions quite a bit over the past few years. I don't want to call him a flake, but- he's inconsistent. I deplore Romney and Bachman.
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