I certainly do, I'm of Jewish descent myself and while I don't support everything the Israili government/miltary does (like the blockade ect..) I still believe they have the right to their own country. Now I love America and if Israel would ever go to war with the United States I would fight on the side of the US.
People cry about how weJews stole the land from the palestinians/arabs, but they are better off now with us there IMO. Israel is the only REAL democracy in the Middle East and it doesn't kill women for walking around without a viel.It atleastvalues human rights, go over to Iran and say your a Jew, Christian, Athiest, American, Woman, or non extreamist Muslim and they will cut your head off. Or gun you down with an AK...
Israel doesn't target civilain aeras either, but unfortunately they do kill them. I don't pretend however that Israel is entirely innocent and in many cases they are just as guilty, as they have killed innocent people before. But I don't think they are going out of their way to nesseccarilydo it (again doesn't make it right), also the Israel is just defending it'self, they arn't trying to take over any of the arab lands. It's just one small country who happens to have neighbors that hate it and want to drive them into the sea.
But people hating those of us who are ofJewish descent is nothing new unfortunately...
Not taking Arab lands? I suppose that Lebanon, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula all rightfully belong to Israel.
Not everyone who opposes Israel is anit-semetic. I personally think that the Jews had no right to go into Palestine and start their war of "independence". That being said, I think that Israelis now who were born in Palestine have every right to be there (seeing as it is their home and they shouldn't be punished for what their fathers and grandfathers did). So in a way, I support the existance of Israel now but I wish that it never was created. After WW2, they should have been given a part of Germany to call a homeland instead of taking land from innocents.
I think that id Israel just stopped being a bully there wouldn't be as much hate and tension. Give Gaza and the West Bank to the Palestinians so that they can create an independent nation, allow Palestinians and Arabs free travel within Israel, make Jerusalem and international city. The Israelis must be willing to make concessions if they want peace. If they are unwilling to, then it is no wonder why terrosism is such a problem. They bring it upon themselves.
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