that crucnhing sound would be disgusting. But you would also have killed something, so stepping on a snail is worse.
Tokugawa77's forum posts
[QUOTE="M4Ntan"]This is one I support as well. Even though I don't think it should be considered a conspiracy theory.we are obviously not the only smart species in this universe, all those people who say we are alone are ignorant, and I actually do believe in UFOs, not saying that they are all aliens, but there is something going on.
Well of course there is intelligent life out there, with the infinite amount of universes, there is bound to be something. Even Stephen Hawking believes this. However, what is more likely? that you saw some alien spaceship floating around in the atmosphere or you saw a helicoptor or plane? seriously people.
I watched it half way and I was about to cry so I stopped. I now hate every asian apart from Sony's staff.
Not sure if joking or if I should bash you on this...
If they are more than 1/3 of an inch thick then you didn't put in enough liquid. You can't follow the recipe verbatum, you have to adapt. You also should use buttermilk instead of normal milk. Just get another recipe if this one was bad.
[QUOTE="p00zer"]Probably. Though perhaps intelligence has something to do with it too. If there was another self-aware species on Earth, then who knows. That would make values complex..
Other animals are self-aware...
Well I suppose by definition. I mean aware of something more. Aware that life ends. Ideas that are above survival instincts. Though I suppose that's most of what we are. Meh. I'D SAVE THE HUMAN. That's all :x.I probably would too. But it is arguable that intelligent animals are aware of their own mortality. And aren't all emotions and ideas somehow derived from instincts to survive? In any case, some animals do more than just try to survive. Primates are able to become bored (the only other species apart from humans who can), dolphins can recognize that it is themselves they see in a mirror- the list goes on and on. Humans are not so seperate from teh rest of the animal kingdom.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="parkurtommo"] If we were to stop annoying them Africa would go on quite fine without us. Just a few thousands or maybe millions of deaths and they'll be fine. You guys seem to be acting like parents or something, hesitant in letting go your children, and Africa isn't even your child...parkurtommo
It easy to say this when its not you or one of your loved ones dieing.. Lets place your butt over there and see how you feel about it.. The fact of the matter is this.. Africa deals in a climate that is far more hostile than the US or Europe had to deal with.. No we just have something we call humanity and compassion for fellow man.. Its a shame, it seems like empathy isn't in your vocab what so ever.
Oh so when Europeans were not helping them out 10 thousand years ago did they need any help? No. I feel sorry for the starving people, but the problem was caused by helping them. I only ask for the rest of the world to stop helping.Africa's problems are caused because of western help? Do you know anything about history?
[QUOTE="p00zer"]Exactly.. If there was a little girl and a puppy, and both were drowning for whatever reason, I would save the girl without batting an eye. All life should be respected, and the food industry is definitely inhumane, but I, as a human, value the life of other humans well above the lives of other animals.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'd probably do that too, but can we at least agree that that value judgement is biased because we ARE humans, and objectively all life should have the same value?
Probably. Though perhaps intelligence has something to do with it too. If there was another self-aware species on Earth, then who knows. That would make values complex..Other animals are self-aware...
not really.
1. "global warming is a hoax" false
2. "Bush was behind 9/11" false
3. "Obama was born in Kenya" false
I can't name any plausable ones
I would have one of those chainmail suits that are used for shark diving (very light and very strong stuff), a small caliber pistol (only for extremely close range, will likely see no use) a rifle of some kind- probably an ak-74 (due to its durability and improved accuracy over the original 47) or a .22 because it is pretty accurate, ammo is light and you can find it everywhere. Last but not least, an actual katana made in Japan, the bestweapon to have for a zombie apoclypse- blades don't need reloading.
I would want a bike, not a car because they are louder and will run out of gas. I would go to a very remote area miles away from any populated city and one which has a clear vantage point over the surrounding area. From that point on, just survive (I have little survival knowledge, but this is an ideal scenario and I would be an expert) by hunting and gathering.
Anyone who wants a chainsaw will die within the first few days
Anyone who underestimates swords will die within the first few weeks
Anyone who goes fully automatic with their firearms will die within the first month
Anyone who maintains their morality will die within the first year. :|
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