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#1 Tokugawa77
Member since 2009 • 1554 Posts


[QUOTE="sonicare"] I think that's what he is alluding to. The aid that they supplied my beloved brits, allowed them to stay in the fight longer.


Well the question is would the allies have won without a US declaration of war, not without their supplies

the us would have gone to war at some point because of germans shooting trade ships, the only way to keep the US out of the war is to keep the us in every way out of the war. what you are asking is if some how the us completely retooled for war without war and just gave everything they made to the right people at the right time would things have been different. well no if everything went just like it did but their was a frechmen in ever US tank firing each shot the exact same way the outcome would have been the same.

ex: 3 + 3 = 6

now if you change the color of the first three to red

3 + 3 = 6

you have the same outcome.

This is a hypothetical scenario. I was only interested if America's military intervention was necassary to win the war.

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#2 Tokugawa77
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America helped crush Germany in Africa and the italians to revolt against Mussolini.. Not to mention our island hopping during the pacific theatre and our swift action upon Japan when they refused to surrender (the bombings). I highly doubt they could have won without America.


The British were on the offensive in North Africa before the US entered the war. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union, most recourses were diverted there, anyway.

Do you know anything about the total men that Nazi Germany committed to the Eastern Front? I knew the Soviets had up to 34 million conscripts/volunteers/soldiers serve during the war, but I can't find any numbers for the Nazis.

Germany massed 3.5 million men on the border and a million allied troops (Italians, Rommanians, etc) before operation Barbarossa. Still trying to find info on the total size of the german army in 1941 but A total of around 18 million troops were at some point in the Werhmacht from 1935-1945. One can assume then that most of the German army in 1941 was in the east.

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#3 Tokugawa77
Member since 2009 • 1554 Posts

America helped crush Germany in Africa and the italians to revolt against Mussolini.. Not to mention our island hopping during the pacific theatre and our swift action upon Japan when they refused to surrender (the bombings). I highly doubt they could have won without America.


The British were on the offensive in North Africa before the US entered the war. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union, most recourses were diverted there, anyway.

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#4 Tokugawa77
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[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"]without the US, i can only assume that would include all aid that was not part of the united states army. in that case i dont know but it would have lasted a hell of a lot longer in Europe and japan would have had free range in the Asia-Pacific theater. i have no doubt this thread is a few posts away from become another cIassic america bashing thread.sonicare

Not necassarily. The US still supplied Britain with munitions before it entered the war.

I think that's what he is alluding to. The aid that they supplied my beloved brits, allowed them to stay in the fight longer.

Well the question is would the allies have won without a US declaration of war, not without their supplies

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#5 Tokugawa77
Member since 2009 • 1554 Posts

without the US, i can only assume that would include all aid that was not part of the united states army. in that case i dont know but it would have lasted a hell of a lot longer in Europe and japan would have had free range in the Asia-Pacific theater. i have no doubt this thread is a few posts away from become another cIassic america bashing thread.surrealnumber5

Not necassarily. The US still supplied Britain with munitions before it entered the war.

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#6 Tokugawa77
Member since 2009 • 1554 Posts

[QUOTE="topsemag55"]This thread needs a poll.:o No, the war would have been lost without U.S. entry. It was as the Japanese officer said, "We have awakened a sleeping giant."sonicare
I think they are referring to the ETO. But that would be an interesting question. Allied bomber command annihilated germany's industrial capacity which is always overlooked. I still think germany would have fallen, but the US made it a two front war. I dont think england had the manpower to go cross channel and threaten fortress europe without the help of the US.

No We are talking about the pacific too. In fact I am actually more interested in hearing people's take on that theatre.

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#7 Tokugawa77
Member since 2009 • 1554 Posts

This thread needs a poll.:o No, the war would have been lost without U.S. entry. It was as the Japanese officer said, "We have awakened a sleeping giant."topsemag55

Actually it was a Japanese Admiral. Isoroku Yamamoto. ;)

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#8 Tokugawa77
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Of course. All the US did was end the European war quicker. The Soviet Union would've been able to handle it most likely. The idea that Americans single handidly won the war is complete BS, it's not called the Nazi-American war.


I agree. I only posed the question because it is an atitude amoungst the people I hang out with that it was mostly America's war, they always ignore theother theatres and focus only on Normandy and France.

However there is still the question of the Japanese Empire.

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#9 Tokugawa77
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A tad bit, but you still get those wacky comments now and again.

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#10 Tokugawa77
Member since 2009 • 1554 Posts

Would the allies have won the war if the US had not entered it? That is, Pearl Harbor never took place and the US had much more isolationist leanings, so it stayed out of the war at all costs.

I would say that in Europe, Germany would still have been defeated. The wehrmacht had already begun to suffer a string of defeats in Russia before the US even became significantly involved. However, I doubt that D-Day would have taken place, and that the British would have focused mainly on the Italian campaign, which would have seen a much larger portion of Europe fall to the Soviet Union.

The pacific is much more complicated. I contend that the Japanese could never have conqured all of China, even with all of its recourses focused there. It is simply too big and has too many people, and it would be nigh impossible to supply troops a thousand miles inland when the supply trains are attacked by partisans. If Japan had opened a front with the British in southeast Asia, I beleive that they might have been able to get into India if they put all of their recourses into it. Just look at how fast Tomoyuki Yamashta (I can't spell his namecorrectly because it is censored lol)conqured Burma and Singapore. Japan would have been a tough nut to crack without the US.