[QUOTE="sonicare"] I think that's what he is alluding to. The aid that they supplied my beloved brits, allowed them to stay in the fight longer.
Well the question is would the allies have won without a US declaration of war, not without their supplies
the us would have gone to war at some point because of germans shooting trade ships, the only way to keep the US out of the war is to keep the us in every way out of the war. what you are asking is if some how the us completely retooled for war without war and just gave everything they made to the right people at the right time would things have been different. well no if everything went just like it did but their was a frechmen in ever US tank firing each shot the exact same way the outcome would have been the same.ex: 3 + 3 = 6
now if you change the color of the first three to red
3 + 3 = 6
you have the same outcome.
This is a hypothetical scenario. I was only interested if America's military intervention was necassary to win the war.
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