I don't think the soviets would have ever been able to beat the Germans. The soviets were retreating and were just playing a war of attrition (scorched earth policy comes ot mind) on the Germans. That doesn't mean they were really beating the Germans. All the Germans had to do was wait it out until the weather started to get warmer.
Without the US, the Japanese would have more military resource possibly to start harassing Russia. So Germany would have had an easier time taking over Europe. I don't know, I say WW2 would have a grim destiny had the US not enter the war
But the Russians did eventually beat the Germans- Stalingrad 1942 ended in a million axis casualties. It was the tactics of the Red Army (the encirclement of the entire German 6th army) that sealed the deal, not old man winter.
EDIT: you raise an interesting point, though. If the Japanese had gone for the soft underbelly of the Soviet Unionthen Germany's job would have been made much easier
The Soviets (under Zhukov) gave the Japanese a beating (on the ground) during the Border Wars back in 1939. I don't think the Japanese would've wanted another. Also, even the old obsolete Soviet tanks/armor were much better than the best the Japanese could field. I honestly don't think the Japanese can stand up to the Soviets out in the open steppes where armored/motorized warfare rules.This is because the Japanese devoted most of their funding and raw materials to build warships. Had the focus been on armor, they would have developed some competent tanks. In the pacific, tanks were inconsequential. Japanese wartime designs actually became quite advanced by 1943 (more or less equal to that of the US) but most of these designs were never actually built and those that were were contructed in very minute numbers in 1945 (by which thime they were already outclassed). American strategic bombing just completely eliminated the Japanese capacity to produce tanks.
Look up theType 3 Chi-Nu (designed 1943), the type 3 Ho-Ni lll tank destroyer,and the Type 4 Chi-to (designed in 1942) for a glimpse of what Japanese tanks could have been likeif they had been given priority. Even if they were not superior to Soviet tanks, they could still probably have held their own.
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