This is all part of Nintendo's Revolution. It will be Nintendo Fans that benefit the most as games come out after heavy sales across the field fertilized the industry (for Nintendo).
Tony-Harrison's forum posts
Imagine that in 10 or 12 months next summer you'll be able to walk into a videogame store and pick up any game for Nintendo with a selection of tastes for every gamer . . .
- Fatal Frame Torch Remote surival horror game.
- The Conduit customizable 32p online shiny lights! fps.
- Exclusive RPGs
- Final Fantasy Chronicles 2
- Fragile Farewell Ruins of the Moon
- Tales of Symphonia 2 available and looking really good
- and Maybe Sword of Legendia
- & Arc Rise Fantasia
- Mad World looks kinda rad.
- Red Steel 2 might be okay.
- A geeky game called Disaster Day of Crisis
- An even geekier game called Deadly Creatures about insect fighting or summing.
- A few exclusive fighting games, ones Star Wars with Lightsabers and Castlevania. Both incredibly geeky.
- And loads of dumbass games like Warioland the Shake Dimension, That are obviously gonna be overrated until maybe I play on them. Monster Lab. Trauma Center 3. Warioware 2.
- And some lame weak ass motion controls versions of Call of Duty & The Force Unleashed tm. Plus all the games the sheep graze on about now such as No More Heroes and Super Mario Galaxy, whatever.
BUT DO NOT FROWN AS BY SUCH A TIME has passed every Wooly Nintendo Jumper sheep is gonna be going on about the next Zelda and Kid Icarus games et cetera that are coming out holiday season. Plus there's gonna be a load new games announced cause of the sales.
Thank you for reading even though there was a lot of text. Just saying don't give up on Nintendo yet because by next year you'll probably want one anyway.
See Comments.
This is why you should buy the ps3.
Your gaming desires are satisfied.
Your online gaming desires are satisfied.
Everyone is happy.
And you support sony in the ps3 war.
Buy a ps3.
Playstation 3 is a hatched egg.
I really don't see the point of N telling us this unless it's to stop us from getting our hopes up.Tsug_Ze_Wind
They're telling Third Parties. Who want minimal competition. Obviously.
It has a certain gameplay formula but each game is individual.
Try playing Minish Cap if you own a DS/GBA. It was made by Flagship who are also funded by Capcom and Sega! :o But it's excellent.
I think I'm gonna get it tommorow. With my super secret methods... MUHAHAHAHAMagna_Man109
Don't pirate it. Not unless you hate the videogame industry and want it to die.
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