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#1 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts
I got Farcry 2 and Fable 2 and I don't regret buying them, but actually only game I regret buying (first game to buy on 360) is kane and lynch.
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#3 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts

A 10 year old is not a small child. If your 10 year old can't handle this game then chances YOU failed as a parent not that the game is too violent.


Yes, the first sentence in your post is as far as I read.

You are actually telling me that I personally have failed as a parent because I exercise parental judgement? LOL!

Wow...without even knowing me in any way, you have assessed my parental qualities based solely on weather or not I would let a 10 year old child play Gears of War 2?

I still find it strange that somehow you believe that children aren't exposed to profanity until junior high...:roll:

If your 10 year old is capable of being affected in a negative way by a game like this then yes you have failed because unless your kid has some kind of disability that allows him to be affected by a game like this or if he simply is digusted by the gore then you've obviously failed to emotionally prepare your kid to handle a game like this. This not GTA, there are no good and evil lines being blurred, there are no moral choices, this is a GOOD VS EVIL plotline just like in the power rangers, just like transformers, just like dbz, just like nearly every kids action cartoon. The only difference is some red pixels appear on the screen when a character gets shot, the violence has nothing to do with anything, it's how realistic it is and what context it's presented, and hear you have heroic characters trying to stop a group of villians that are clearly evil just like in every superhero cartoon. Stop lumping all M-rated games in with each other. There are plenty that are perfectly fine for most kids at that age and some that I wouldn't even consider until they were about to go to high school. By the way in this day and age I'd be more concerned about my kid being snatched by a pedo then what games they were playing. Gears of War 2 doesn't rape and murder your child. BTW I never said kids don't hear swear words before junior high but chances are in 3rd or 4th grade they aren't swearing casually but it's been 4 and a half years since I graduated from 8th grade so maybe things have changed but until I got till about 5th grade if you even uttered a swear word you'd get snitched on and sent to the principal.

A 10 year old has a crazy imagination homie, but to think that your naming off lil cartoon shows which were made for kids around that age doesnt make sense at all. Something gorey and blood affects!? Some parents dont want them to see that and of course this 10 year old kids father didnt care, but does care about the language which is gonna be introduced to him later on. His father didn't want him to hear that at this age right? Well he should already know what XBL people say since he has XBL instead of try and control people who absolutely say whatever they want on it. Ya there is a good guy and a bad guy in kids shows, movies, and in games, but the fact is this, it was all about the cursing instead of what this child sees on the game. I can't argue with that if he wants to show him something like that then there is no way he could be so confronting about language which he will hear on the singleplayer, and on the online, and also in r/l which the kid will experience when he gets older. Im not gonna let my kid play Rated- M games or even see Rated- R movies at a young age because thats the time for them to have fun, no worries, and to enjoy life. If im gonna play games with my child i'll stick with the Arcade games with them, but other than that i'll be strict of what they play and watch and im not gonna let them get online with me with a game that they shouldn't be experiencing at such a young age. It's my opinion and you only like games that are introduced to you am I right? Other than that I rather spend time with my child playing pac-man or galactica or maybe a game rated T with co-op instead of telling someone online to not curse in front of my child. That would aggravate me if someone cursed online with my child playing, but then again I already know people curse and I wouldnt let my child online cause I already know what to expect. See that's not bad parentings that's being a responsible father and not trying to control a online community. When they get older they'll learn cursing, but not from people online which are trying to have a good time playing a game with other people or even their father.

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#4 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts
From my experience the 360 Elite bearly RROD on me and i had it for about 7 months and I sent it in so ya it could happen.
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#5 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts

[QUOTE="mvlbr"]Talk about bad parenting when I was that kids age I was playing super mario brothers on the NES not some mature games. That father is a complete moron regardless of the language used he shouldn't allow his kids to be playing mature rated games. This kid will probably end up doing something stupid later on and blame it on video games.Scorpion16

You know how stupid you sound, bad parenting? For spending time with his kid? For actually paying attention to what his kid plays? Gears 2 is not that severe of an M-rated game. It's gore is exaggerated and cartoony not realistic or disturbing and it's presented in a fantasy like enviroment with aliens as the enemy. If it were GTA IV I might agree but Gears 2 is NOT a hardcore M. Oh and btw when I was that kid's age I was playing Duke Nukem, Quake, and Mortal Kombat :-P. Seriously get off your moral high horse and stop acting like your such a great person because YOU would deny your kid one of the best games of the year. Seriously grow up!

Im not really saying your wrong about saying that about bad parenting, but the fact is his dad could of gotten somethin him and his son to play together besides Gears 2. mvlbr was clearly saying that it's the violence in the game. It doesn't matter if its gore or cartoony and not realistic. What about a movie? Thats not realisitic, but it has things on there that you wouldnt want your child to see as for a game that some children shouldnt see. Im a father and I wouldnt want my child playing that game or even watching a movie that has the same aspect of a game. The only difference between them is movies have real people, and games are computer animated with voice overs. Im just saying I wouldnt let my 10 year old child play something like that. Theres cursing online and people curse you can't stop that and it is his fault for taking his child online. The reason I say that (pretty much everybody said in this post) is because he should already expect people saying cursing words. You can't control a whole community online saying don't cuss in from of my kid. When either way the boy sees all the violence in a game (unrealistic), but still controlling over the cursing. It Really doesnt make sense to that point he should of muted the game if he was alright with the boy seeing the violence. The father has his ways of raising a child and I have my own ways of raising my child, but either way if he didnt want his child to hear cussing then the online play isnt good for his kid or the campaign cause they both have cursing. It doesnt make a difference that a AI is cursing or somebody on the headset is it's all the same and the kid shouldnt of been playing the game if he didnt want to have his child hearing that then he shouldn't of let him be playing in the first place.
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#6 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts

This was my first time sending it in and im gettin the exact same thing cause I sent it monday and it's still on the first step even though they recieved it yesterday. Im sure though it's because they are a repair center so im sure there getting xbox 360's everyday, but im sort of concerned too.

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#7 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts
Overall, I think I had the most fun with Gears of War 2. It didn't change much of the formula, but it didn't really need to. In terms of playtime, though, it was definitely Fable 2. I logged well over 50 hours by the time I was done.... If I had started playing Fallout 3 in 2008, I would already be nearly a 1/4 of the way to that 50 hour mark and barely into the game.spazzx625
That is true and im like 1/4 also through the game and I already have almost 50 hours of gameplay beyond that it is a great game. Different style of RPG I ever played and im liking it throughout the exploration.
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#8 TonyOG13
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I did forget one more thing Final Fantasy 13 i've owned a ps for a good while only for one reason Final Fantasy, but I got a 360 and I was glad that it was coming out for the 360. I had fun with the game all through 10 and I was a lil dissapointed with 12 because of the combat system. Don't get me wrong it was a good game, but the combat system at first got me a lil bored, but then later on it got more interesting otherwise I was kind of dissapointed. Im really looking forward to Final Fantasy 13 it seems like it'll be a rush I hope.

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#9 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts
Mine for all is Dead Space the reason why is because the graphics were amazing and the story really made you want to play it again and again just to ravage with you skills that you have. The twists is my favorite part, but then again maybe some people already knew about it maybe not. Not only that throughout the whole game I really didnt get freaked out, but in the end that really tripped me out and I don't get scared easily.
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#10 TonyOG13
Member since 2008 • 35 Posts
The tracking number is on the xbox site if they didnt send you the service request ID which you have to print out to get the tracking # plut your zip code then you have to re-comfirm your e-mail address by calling them back, because you have to put in the service request ID and your zipcode to get it . Im pretty sure they gave you a reference number to call also, so check with that if not then call the hotline and let them know about your situation.
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