Halo 3 and COD 4. Question though COD world at war is it better then cod4 or just the same with different maps and weapons? Anythang new with online that I dont know of?
I got both games, but I end up playing more Fallout 3 than Fable 2. I've had Fable 2 since it came out and it's fun, but Fallout 3 you'll spend more hours on exploring than the main storyline. I've spent 40 hours so far just exploring new places plus doing some side missions and the storyline. Im not even half way through the game, but it depends of course on how you play. Fable is good though its a playthrough which im sure I will do once I finish it, and Fallout 3 is also, but im sure you'll spend alot of hours on Fallout 3 through the first time and the second time you play it lol I havent even finished Fallout 3 and i've had it awhile. It just has alot of locations that you can discover that keeps things going on it don't have multiplay, but then again co-op on Fable 2 aint even great if your into that. For sho though Fallout 3 is my pick to buy if you want alot of hours and time to play maybe even find new items or places no one has, but of course a possibility that someone has lol.
I've neva played bulletproof, but it does have some similarities with Gears of war in which I have played and liked the game of course though new games should have different gameplay mechanics. I aint gonna diss on the fact that 50 cent is the main character, but it's just to much that he's in a situated scene like the middle east. If it has a good story, good gameplay mechanics I might check it out, but im really not anticipating this game at all. Looks ok and I dont know how far there into releasing it, but from what I see it seems the same as games i've played before which are good, but you can't just put same ideas into one game why not switch it up and adding something new? If not, and it does get a good rating (which I dont believe will happen) I might check it. One more thang the changing weapons is the exact same thang as deadspace too no?, but not a bad thang just switch it up somehow.
I dont know if anyone else has this problem or its my game, but sometimes when I go into the VATS system is shows 0% on all limbs and I can't exit out of it an I have to restart from the last saved point. After I go through killing all these fools and suddenly I can't exit out of it. It's happend what about a 3 to 4 times so far.
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