More on Cena post main event:
Thanks to reader Dana Rivenburg for sending along the following live report:
Cena (after he won and got booed) went out to the crowd and ripped some kids sign from his hands that said "if cena wins we riot" and cena brought it in the ring, held it up, and then CALLED THE KID OUT!!!!! and called EVERYONE out who was booing him. there was only a select few that were cheering him (me included), and he acknowledged me!!!!! he came to the top rope which was like 50 ft from where we were sitting, and pointed right at me b/c i was the only one in the section bouncing up and down for him!!!!!! He acknowledged all sections of his fans cheering for him and seemed really happy that at least SOME people still like him. OH and then a fan threw a beer bottle into the ring, like inches away from cena, but cena turned his head and i dont even think he saw it. that was just messed up. people take it way too far sometimes, ya know??
Thanks to "Triple Chaz" and
I was watching Michael Cole and JBL when the "Cena Sucks" chants started and whenever Orton got in his offense. They were literally shocked, not by the chants but on how much the majority of the crowd ripped into Cena. At one point I saw Cole shaking his head saying "unbelievable." I know Orton may seem like the better "wrestler," but for the life of me I cannot understand why they hate Cena so much. I give him credit; he takes it all in and does the job, I respect his work ethic and the way he sucks up those chants and b.s. big time. I even saw Lillian Garcia shake her head in disbelief as the people in back of me were chanting "Cena must die" and when Orton had a chin lock on Cena they were chanting "break his neck." It's a man thing to hate Cena for some reason because they all were doing it for there own ego. Security confiscated a sign saying "Cena must die" from those same bunch of guys
Well, it kind of looks like to me that all the hate is starting to get to Cena. I know its his character, but if you were John and booked as the top guy and booed like THAT (that was one of the worst since NYR and WM's) it would piss me off.That crowd was so anti-Cena last night it was unreal.
I really dont hate Cena at all. Hes a good worker, solid in all aspects but dear god, I honestly dont want to see him on my TV anymore.
Funny thing is, there is probably more hate for Cena in that crowd then for Benoit.
Personally, I mostly hate the reignand portrayal of Cena, not the wrestlingand I respect the crowd's decision. If WWE just can't accept it then they are idiots. I'm not gonna tell WWE what to do but they shouldn't be surprised at a negative reaction from the crowdby now.
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