I like american football waaaaaaaaayyy better......
if they didnt wear pads lots of players would break their necks... or worse
also in that video nevermind the part were the coach slaps that player's ass :P
American Football is just a long commercial-fest with 10 seconds of play in between. The teams come on, one player gets tackled ferociously and the play stopsfor an athlete's foot commercial.
Rugby has two teams which stay on the pitch for the duration of the game, where the offense is also the defence and where they don't have armour.
Saying that the armour is there because American football is tougher is just blatant denial of the fact that the players wear armour because the franchises (as you call the NFL teams, which I have no idea why), put the revenue that their stars generate above in priority of the actual ability that they bring to the game.
I could continue to argue this further, but the fact that most of the world watches or plays Rugby, much the same as soccer speaks volumes. Especially when only the US seems to play football and watch it. Looking at NFL Europe which just shut down, I think that also speaks for American Football.
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