Damn Link is a gimmick poster now... we can only hope he's drunk. Link... you so craaazy!
Total-KO's forum posts
The belief is that Mexico would be better because they would have an endless supply of good talent that would likely work cheap.WWE
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Stereotyping much?
What aren't 'they' meant to get?
And who is they? The media or WWE?
Because as far as I can see, if viewership has gone significantly down since the Benoit tragedy, and has stayed down, then that should clearly indicate that that is a consequence of what has happened. Or am I missing something?
[QUOTE="Total-KO"]Well I for one, would much rather have my son/younger cousin/infant watch violence than having two gay people make out on TV.
I doubt that my son would come up to me asking why they are fighting on TV but he'd probably ask why those two guys are kissing or whatever.
I accept gay people and have no problem with them but on a show with kids watching, I'd be a little bit more defensive about letting my kid watch two guys kissing. Sorry if I'm not in the majority on this board for saying that but I feel that this is the truth.
All I want to know is why - why is that you think young child appears to be in complete acceptance of seeing acts of blood and violence (with some of it being explicate), however, according to you, he would be in state of confusion at even hint of homosexuality? In short, on explanation basis (with "explanation" being the keyword here), why is that sexuality (in particular, homosexuality) is, some how, worse than blood and violence?
I guess it's because violence is human nature. We are born with a nature to fight. Having children see violence is something that children will see anyway at a young age. Homosexuality is not human nature (not for the majority anyway). I wouldn't want my kid see something which may not be natural for them to see. Just like drugs or rape. They aren't natural things.Hell, homosexuality has only been fully legal for 40 years (thanks Channel 4).
It's well known that Vince has real enthusiasm for Chris and in giving him a push, waiting for the right time until the public 'accept' him.
Unfortunately I feel like this push, regardless of the negative approach that the public feel to this character, will backfire on him.
Well I for one, would much rather have my son/younger cousin/infant watch violence than having two gay people make out on TV.
I doubt that my son would come up to me asking why they are fighting on TV but he'd probably ask why those two guys are kissing or whatever.
I accept gay people and have no problem with them but on a show with kids watching, I'd be a little bit more defensive about letting my kid watch two guys kissing. Sorry if I'm not in the majority on this board for saying that but I feel that this is the truth.
[QUOTE="Total-KO"]Give m a C.S. Lewis epicsephy37
CS Lewis was a f*cking hack. Narnia sucked and all his other novels were sh*t.
Getting a lil stressed there lol.
Space Trilogy > Narnia > Harry potter.
Rowling is nothing but a sell out. Most typical authors are like that now I suppose. Lewis (and others) did it for the love of writing.
I would if I could but I can't so I won't.
However, GTGM is a great DVD.
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