JK Rowling is not a great author, but a brilliant storyteller.
Nowadays, writing novels are just about the money.
People like Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and James Joyce did it for the love of the game.
JK Rowling is not a great author, but a brilliant storyteller.
Nowadays, writing novels are just about the money.
People like Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and James Joyce did it for the love of the game.
[QUOTE="Total-KO"][QUOTE="Mu5uk0"]While what you say is true, to be fair to Chicago_Nut his post was about the hate being undeserved, not that it didn't exist.
I know it exists and I'm pretty sure he does too.
I know... that's the whole point...
He's saying that the hate which IS there is undeserved.
I know what he's saying. I read it. Dude, wait...what?
While what you say is true, to be fair to Chicago_Nut his post was about the hate being undeserved, not that it didn't exist.
I know it exists and I'm pretty sure he does too.
Ladies and gentlemen, The Great Khali is your new World Heavyweight Champion. :|
Hey how much bleach will I be able to drink before I forget this event ever happened?
First off, define 'over'. Most would say that it is the ability to put onto the crowd a front, that you are who you say or your character says you are. For instance, if Triple H is hated by the crowd and is a heel, he is over with THAT crowd. The same applies to a face. If a good guy wrestler pulls off to the crowd that he or his character is genuinely a good guy, then he is over with THAT crowd.
With the Wrestlemania 22 and 23 crowd, he was NOT over. With SummerSlam 2005 & Summerslam 2006, he was NOT over.
With the regular audience who watches WWE, is he over? That's debatable. Certainly, WWE merchandise sales for John Cena certainly suggest so.
But John Cena, for some reason bah gawd, John Cena is not always over. In particular, the events I mentioned above were where? In the North West of the US. A professional wrestling hotbed. Hell, why do ya think ROH is located there? The North West is full of hardcore wrestling junkies who know what they are talking about? And what trend can be set there apart from Cena hate?
They are all in the 16-30 demographic who majorily attend wrestling shows. That's why the hate is so deep and resoundful. This area of 16-30 males tend to dominate attendance of wrestling shows because it is such a hot bed to them.
With that said, FACT: John Cena is not majorily over with the North West to Mid-West crowd.
But to the World? Well, that's hard to say.
I think Cena is over, because wrestling, moreover WWE, is particularly appealing to kids and the older demographic is turning to UFC so no wonder Cena is over. The sexy single moms who bring their kids wanna make Cena their new kids daddy so no wonder they cheer. Kids & moms/women alike are blind too. You really think 10 year olds care about Jeff Hardy being a spot monkey? Or how Batista is slower than a Fiat Panda going 1mph?
No. All they care about is who is most publicised. Who gets the limelight more often. When Benoit and Eddie got their 2004 push, EVERYONE was behind them. When they gradually faded for the generation of Cena and Batista, they all fell for those who were pushed.
What am I saying? John Cena's fans are blind. Just as blind as the haters. Just my opinion.
If the rumors of Trips' return to SD! are true, could we see Trips as Champion?
Most likely Kane or Rey Mysterio will become Champion again if Triple H goes back to RAW.
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