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Totally_Asje Blog

I'm sorry!!

I want to say to all people I promised something, like making a banner and such, that I'm sorry it takes me so long, but my mom forced me to get less time on here, yesterday she even pulled out the cable :shock: (she's...not completely...thinking straight :|) And I got really mad at her, and we had a fight again, like we mostly have now. Gah, and with the sadness of DP ending, that makes it all worse...

Today I did feel better. :) Though, remeber that I still haven't really seen PP, so when I see that (in the weekend) I will be crying again...

But anyways, I promise I will do the stuff I said I'll do, starting tomorrow, cuz tomorrow is wednesday :)

Oh and, if you want to know what I picked for school, I picked math. :) I actually paid attention in math today, and I think that with the right dicipline *cough* and a better teacher, or just more attention I should be able to do it! And even if I don't I'll just do languages, which isn't so bad either. I just have a feeling I'm more made for sience...

So, sorry I have so little time to reply, comment on blogs, make the banners, put up Memory Blank... =/ Just remember that I didn't forget it! ;) Go blame my mom -___-

I don't know!! =( *sits with hands in hair*

Okay, right now I'm quite depressed...

One reason is because, well, today the last episode of Danny aired. I haven't seen it, and I'm sure it's amazing and stuff, but right now it just makes me sad. :(
EDIT : Now that I have seen it, I'm officially is so over with DP!!! :cry:

The second reason is that I have to chose now in school what I'm gonna do for the rest of high school. I have to chose whether I'm going farther in math or in Languages, but the problem is that I really don't know!! I always had more of a sience- thingy, and if I want do to research or whatever, it's better to do math. I've got 2 problems:
1. I don't know what I wanna be!! I never really had a "vocation" all, I know is that biology really interests me.
2. And I always thought I was going to take math, because I always was quite good at it, but this year I have 51% :shock: That's still enough to go through with math, but what if it gets really harder and my grade gets lower? the thing I chose right now will be for the rest of high school, I can't turn back! So if I fail math, I'll have to do my next year over, unless I move schools and do something completely different. And the problem is, it's not just me!! I have like the worst math teacher EVER this year! I'm sure I would have had a higher grade in math, if I had an other teacher, but the grades do everything!

I don't know what to do!! @_@ I have still 2 days to think about it! :( I have been thinking about it for 2 weeks, and I still don't know! If only I knew what I wanted to be! Maybe I'm better in Languages (because of the stupid sience teachers), but I don't think the professions are matched for me, my teacher said he could see me doing math, but with my latest report card he didn't know anymre, he's such a great help! @_@

What do you guys, based on the facts, think is best to do? :| Oh, and speaking of professions, does anyone know what (s)he wants to be later? :) ...wait, WHAT, me talking about professions? :| I'll say...RUNNN!! :lol:

I would do math, if I really, I mean, really really REALLY go for it. =/ *sigh* My mom just said that for my physics I have to call "Danny" (dad of a friend of mine) to let me explain it better...
aaaah, Danny.... which makes me more down. -____-

Oh, and you guys are sure you won't leave this site when Danny Phantom is over, Hm? We'll stick together right?

OMG YAYZ!!!!!! =DDD *spazzes while hypervantilating* XD

Gosh, I hate Tuesdays when the cleaning lady comes >.> She always kicks me out of my room and I can't come on the computer as long as she's upstairs, and my sister had to prepare her lessons she's gonna give on the computer while she was cleaning downstairs, so she used my computer. And now MSN doesn't work! *sigh* Anyways,

OMG!!! I am soo hyper right now!!! You think because of the kiss, eh? *squeals by thought* No, that was yesterday. XD Though, I'm still smiling like an idiot for that. *grins stupidly* Anyone is with me!!?? XD
When I saw that kiss, I was about to scream, but my sister just brought in her new boyfriend for the very first time, so I had to hold back. :lol:
Haha, and like earlier I was working on a big schoolproject,I sat on the table cutting some papers and I didn't even notice I was smiling the whole time, And my sister was like "0___o Okay, this is not normal! Wake up!Don't let the evilness take control over you! ...or at least that's what she was thinking :P But she and my mom kept asking what's up with me. XD

Okay, so the mean reason why I'm all hyper now is that I just found out The French Nickelodeon in my area finally decided to air Danny!!! :D There was nothing on TV, so I just switched channels, and they were just showing a spinning wheel with all the programs and there was a pic of Danny!! I was about to scream of joy, but I could hold myself and I just pretended that I wanted to see spongebob, cuz my family likes that. >.> The only problem is, I DON'T KNOW ON WHAT TIME IT SHOWS!! I looked in the TV guide, it just says "Nickelodeon till 6:00 pm" and then they start explaining what's next on MTV. :roll: Then I looked on the internet, but apperently there is no such thing as a French Nicelodeon in Belgium. Sure there is in France, but they don't show Danny there... (according to the internet) And I can't possilbly watch Nickelodeon all day to find out! My family wouldn't want that!!

AAGH! I'm dying here! What if Phantom Planet shows here in Belgium too!? I mean, it shows in the UK, that's Europe too... I would smash something really hard if I find out it showed and I just MISSED it because nothing is working with me to find out what time it shows!! :cry:

Wow, how can I always talk so much? When I start to write I never think it's gonna be so long! :lol: And YAY!! this very blog post is my 1000th post!!! :D I've been really talking a lot, no? I mean, I've been here for like only 4 months! XD It's probably from all the off-topicness and the randomness. XD Look quick, before I post something else! XD
I wanna thank anyone who (always) reads my boring, long rant!! Thank you!! I luv you! *gives cookies filled with love*

Boy, where we hyper yesterday on the forum!! :lol: I mean, 20 pages in one day!!?? :lol: I'm also really sad because now we know the end of DP is near! :cry:

Oh, and I had that sleeping problem again yesterday (today XD)!! :cry: Probably because I was too hyper and have been WAY too long on the computer. XD But still, I need sleep. :( The hardest thing to do is "wake up" and pretend that I had enought sleep, cuz my parents can't know I've been so long after midnight on my computer yesterday. XD Though, I was about to brush my teeth and ran into my dad in the hall and I was like "erm...toilet" *fake yawn* XD

Happy Easter Everyone!! =D (and some random things xD +links)

Yeah, I just wanted to make an Easter blog myself too! XD So happy Easter!! :D I hope you all get erm, much chocolate or whatever it is you're getting. XD I just get some money normally, but this time my mom said that the UJ game was for Easter. :)
So is anyone doing something special or something? I think I'll just stay home today (like mostly XD) I don't feel so well either, my tummy hurts. :( Not much chocolate for me today...

Oh Gosh, I'm so tired! :shock: I fell asleep at 6:30 AM yesterday (well, today)!! Gah! What's with this sleeping problem? :? And then I had trouble with the birds singing their morning songs, and the light that was getting trough, I tried to find my mask to cover my eyes for darkness, but OF CORSE just THEN I couldn't find it and I walked trought the dark, and banged my head at everything! Pffft, just my luck :( I slept till noon today, so I got still like 5 hours of sleep...

Oh and yesterday, my dad got a phone call from someone who asked if we wanted to join a test so they can follow what we watch on TV for the next 6 months; for the statistics. xD Only too bad I can't watch Danny :? So I'll be wearing a thing for half a year! XD Well, they probably won't get much information from me, since I'm mostly spending my time on the computer. XD

And btw, I made myself a new icon and profile banner for those who didn't already notice. XD (Too bad you don't see the 'ghostly wail' thing like that)
Also, someone gave me this amazingly well done game on DA!! *Cindre is really amazing! :shock: (I think I'll be getting an account on DeviantART, mostly to comment on things and maybe put up some stuff of my own. XD) Here's the link:

*throws chocolate bunnies for anyone who wants to* enjoy! If I ate them, I'll be getting even more sick. XD :?

Btw, I put up Flirting with Disaster and Kindred Spirits for 2 people (if you ever want to see an eps and can't find it, ask me ;)) So if you'd like to see it, here are the links:

FWD part 1
FWD part 2
FWD part 3

KS part 1
KS part 2
KS part 3

I'm back!! =D (Sorry, very long blog again O.O)

Woah! What should I tell? I have to get into talking in English again, because Dutch parents and German TV have brainwashed me! XD *talks German* Random guy: I don't think that's German... Me: Who cares what you think! XD Hmmm, being away for a week with the two people on earth I really can't stand at this point in my life wasn't all that great...-___-
I missed my computer so much! *hugs computer* XD Dad: O_0 you're...hugging the computer! Me: Is that a problem? Dad: It's not even cold in here!!, that a problem? XD

I took a quick look around and it seemed like I've missed much around here, no? =/ I'll try to catch up, as soon as I unpacked my bags and we finished eating. =)
You guys probably don't care about how my week went, but I'm gonna tell anyway! :twisted: XD

So anyways, this is how my week went:
First of all, I don't really like family visists, it always takes so long! XD First, we went to visit my granddad in the rest house, but he doesn't even remember me, he only knew my mom was his daughter and he thinks my dad is someone famous. xD =/ (He's going backwards ever since my granny died) Then we went to visit my ount and my cousins (one of them is almost 4 months old now and I finally got to see him :D) When we were going to leave, my other cousin (3 years old) was like: "You..stay!" and then she sticked herself around my leg and wasn't going to let me go. XD My mom said that I was her baby and I had to go with them and she answered: "No, Mine!" XD the next 10 minutes I was trying to get her off my leg. XD That was so sweet actually, I always knew she liked me, but I didn't know she liked me so much she wants to keep me! XD

the next day my dad absolutly wanted to go for a long walk (I HATE long walks with my dad, he always breaks his promisses and he walks a mile ahead of us! (well,not really, but you get the point)) XD So I was being stubborn (Yeah, I'm stubborn XD) and walked a little behind, I slipped and fell in the mud! in combination with my bad mood, that wasn't a good sign...But it was kind of okay, untill I looked at my shoes! They were RUINED! And they were my favorite! I was so angry!! :x It was 1 April, but I didn't had anyone around to fool, so I thought I'd fool my mom. When we got back, I went to sit a little outside. And after a while I came back and told my mom I found a little squirrel and I wanted to keep it, it was already upstairs in my room. Mom: WHAT!? Get it back! We can't keep a squirrel! After a while she figured it was the first of April. XD

Monday we just went swimming (well, it actually is a place to relax, the water has no Cl (or very little), you can look under water with your eyes open without it hurting, and it's full of salt, that's good for the skin.) After that my mom wanted to visit friends (an other visit...-__-) It was kind of okay, there was a really cute and nice guy like my age. XD though, he staring at me was a little annoying. XD He looked a bit like Harry Potter. :P But he's French, so I didn't talk so much with him :( XD

I knew Danny Phantom was on the German Nick, but I was too lazy to get up early for it. XD But I knew Tuesday was Danny's birtday and I had to get up early anyway to go to a theme park so I watched "Fanning the Flames" :) On our way to the theme park, I played TUE on my GBA (I still haven't figure out how to get plasma engery without sucking defeated ghost into the Fenton thermos to defeat the 'bosses', so if anyone knows...?) The theme park was fun! :D I went on the rollercoaster "the black mamba" twice and I felt kinda dizzy after that. XD I was walking all wanky. XD But it was fun. Here's a picure of it at one point. XD Can you imagine me all upside down? XD
Oh and the "tower of mistery" is something that gets you up very high and then suddenly drops you. XD The worst part was when it stopped going up and then I knew it was going to get down. XD

Oh and Wendnesday I got a few new shoes! I love them *looks dreamy at new shoes* °° Uh what? oh righ! XD We went to a big mall, and I was walking around a little and then I suddenly saw a picure of Danny! I was like WHAAH! Long time no Danny! *runs to it* XD Then I saw it was the UJ game for GBA and I was like MUST HAVE! XD It's competly in German, but I thought I had to learn German better anyway and what better way then Danny? XD I couldn't just leave it there knowing that I won't find it in my own area, right? XD Till now I understand it quite well! :D I already competed a few levels, so.. :D

For the rest nothing much happened..My biggest fear of going away was that my cat wouldn't be home anymore when I came back. You know when he was gone for 2 months? That was after a vacation, and nobody was really home this week, so..I was so happy to see him!! :D HAPPY LATE APRIL FOOLS DAY and To Danny, Happy late Birthday!! :) And thx for the comments on my last blog, I missed you guys too!! :D *hugs everyone* (yes, I have big arms..don't ask! XD) Now let's have a blog party!! :D Throws "happy hippo's" (I don't think you know it, but here they're delicious cookies :P) around. I'm so happy to be back!! :D

Goodbye again! (for real this time) =(

Oh for crying out loud!!! Why won't this stupid thing let me post a blog!? *slaps computer till it falls appart* Yeah, I'm sorry I'm really pissed right now at everything! :evil: *sighs to calm down* not at you guys though ;) Aw well, I'll just put up the link to my actual blog post: 

 I'll miss you  guys! And Don't completely forget me, kay? xD

Finally! XD (Holy moly!! can't blame you if you don't read all of this! XD)

...I'm supposed to be on! :P I just noticed that I write more blogs when I'm actually not supposed to be on! :lol:
Yes, JJ_phantom577 you better bow down to my greatness! XD JK ;) You were right! I wasn't stressing on my last exams! :D But I did had to be at 2 places at once! :shock: Me and my friend were just standing in the hall waiting for our turn, and a boy walks up to us and asks us if we already had done our Dutch. And we were like "No, but the French teacher said we're next." Boy: "Erm, the Dutch teacher thinks he had everyone..." Me: "WHAT!?" *runs down stairs* *stumbles* *continoues running* (XD) When I came in, the teacher was like "Aaah! Astrid! Take an article, sit down and make a summary of it. You have 10 minutes to prepare." So I read the article, did that, but didn't exactly know how to put it in different words, so I guess that didn't really went as well, he said: "uhum...that's off your chest now" And then he smiled. XD
I ran back upstairs, we quickly had to prepare a dialouge in French about "our vacation" I said I went to Canada! XD And I made up a lot of stuff! XD We were ready with everyting 20 minutes after the bell rang!

See? like I said: 2 hours nothing to do and then I have to be at to places at once at the time the exams are supposed to be over! SO typical for me! =/

And don't worry ghostgal! I won't give my teacher the pleasure of going to jail! XD *sreams into pillow* That feels so good! :D And thank you for all your tips all the time! :) Eat chocolate!? YES Mem!! XD *starts eating it* Someone: Exams are over you know! Me: shut up! XD

Yes, teenage_fanatic, help me with not losing my mind...@_@ :lol:
Oh and congrats on the 90 trm6!! :D
That's okay, KTbeth, I'm not pissed for something like that ;)

Other news for a change!
I'm free now for 2 weeks! :D I will have finally time to do stuff a lot of people are expecting me to do! Like reading fanfics, making banners, put 'flirting with disaster' on livevideo (private, so if you want the links, ask me), reply people, watching 'house' (t_f ;)), finishing my vid Oh and FINALLY watch the new eppies!!! :D

Though, I will be about a week of the vacation away to our vacationhouse...AARG! I'm so sick of doing that all the time! :x My dad says "But there is so much to do around" And I'm like "Then WHY do we keep doing the same stuff over and over again!!?" Why can't they just leave me at home? I'm old enough and then I'll be sure my cat Simba won't run off or something. :(
The good side is that I will get to see Danny Phantom on tv there! :D In German! :P I already saw "public enemies" and "the Fenton Menace" in German. I remember the title of the last one "Ben ich verrückt oder was?" (am I crazy or what?) XD
Oh and my dad just said we're going to a theme park! :D

Also, my sister finally got me a ticket to a concert I was dying to go to on 28th of may! :D I wanted to go with friends, but only my best friend can make it with me, and my sister and her boyfriend are going to drive us the the Netherlands (we're lucky our vacationhouse is near there) We will be seeing Linkin park, the smashing pumpkins, Evanescence, the kooks, 30 secondes to mars, within temptation and more!! :D But I mostly want to see Linkin Park!!! :D :D

Though, Friday I'll have to go back to school to get my repport card...:( And here it comes...My stupid, prevert teacher wants our clas (sorry it won't let me add an other "s") to make an "original clasphoto" Which will look like this: Everyone in bikini, swimsuit or slip, covered our body with only a box, drinking water or something. The girls have to leave their sholders naked so they all think we wear nothing exept for the boxes! He wants our clas to be an exapmle of a "green school" O_O I DON'T WANT THAT PHOTO!! Save mee!!
He's going to lock us up in the gym room (THAT creeps me out) where we can take the pictures, because he is not allowed to do that! :shock: I thought of dropping on anonymous letter under the principal's door. XD Maybe I can get my repport card and then say that I can't stay, cuz we're going on vacation in Canada and we have little time! XD ...Okay, I'll just go look for a box >.>

Hope you didn't fell asleep! XD And now I'll bow down to ayone who actually read my boring ranting *bows down* exept for JJ_phantom577! :lol:

AARG! (Rant, sorry gotta lose some anger xD)

Okay, when I came home from my math exam I was mad, very mad in the sense of anry enough to want to kill my math teacher! :evil: HE'S NOT HUMAN I TELL YOU! You don't know how hard I worked for math this weekend! And that was really hard since my teacher makes all the exercices by himself, never gives us a task to do or anything, so no one understands it a bit! Anyway, I really made all exercices again, I don't think I ever made a more clear schedule of the forumals and evidences and all the stuff. I really thought I got it. Oh and of course I had decided not to chead. XD Yeah, if felt kinda bad after the last time. No! Don't worry! I won't turn evil!! XD
But ANYwho, I came in, took my stuff to write and then I saw our math teacher had to watch us. (I hate him already just like that) And a boy asked if the exam was hard and he replied: "Of course it is!" We were like O____O *shrug*
Then When we got our exam, the first 5 minutes everyone just stared at the pages thinking "O-kay, now what?" (I was the only one who already knew how to solve it XD *pats self*) But the other questions were...not made by a human! We never ever did excercices like that! @_@ Okay, I kinda knew what to do, but not exactuly how to do it. Plus the questions took way too much of our time each! Not to mention me and my mom both overslept today (time changed) so I was a little bit too late, PLUS I didn't set my watch right yet, so I thought I had more time!! :(

I don't think I failed it though, maybe I'll have like 50% or something...but then again our claseverage is 52% :shock: Proof enough that he's a bad teacher? Can I kill him now? PLEASE? Some hold me, I mean it!! :evil: I mean, maybe HE can do all of those exercices in less then 2 hours, but he's a mathfreak.
We usually get 6 hours of math in one week, when we're supposed to get only 5! That's because when the ICT room is not free, he decides to gives us math...FOR GOD'S SAKE, he's the teacher! The lockal MUST be free!! *crops anger* And then he already has prepared the lesson he gives, that's really creepy! :shock: And in lunch break he sits alone in a lockal doing his math! I'm not kidding! :shock: I want to get rid of that freakin' teacher! :(

WOW! :shock: Never thought I could rant on so much about this. XD Sorry to bother you, here's a pancake for listening (well reading)! :D Careful, it's already warm! XD

Okay, tomorrow I'll have oral exam Dutch and French. My Dutch teacher hasn't give us an exact hour to go, so we just have to guess, we don't even know where to go! I'm sure it'll be like this: "I will have 2 hours nothing to do and then suddenly I'll have to be at 2 places at once"!! that would be SO typical for me! :? AARG! I'm losing my mind! Help me! @_@

XOMG!! I cheaded!

...yeah I know I'm on XD But hey, I held on for 3 days didn't I? That's something! XD now it's weekend and I'm like "I can't possilby stay off the whole weekend!...must get on!" XD Sheesh, I'm so addicted. XD

But OMG, I cheaded on my physics exam! Okay, that's just something I normally don't do. But I had a really, really bad feeling about that exam, so I put almost all the formulas in my calculator before. Of course we have to reset our calculator before starting, so they know you can't cheat, but I know a trick that it still stays after that .XD I wasn't intend to look at them though, I studied them and wrote them down to not forget. but later I had to make this exercice and when I saw my result I was like "O.O What am I even doing here?" So then I looked at the formulas in my calculater and I saw I used the wrong one. I was so glad I did that! XD Normally, I would feel guilty, but this time I was quite cool with it. xD But I think I still flunked it :( I mean, we make these easy exercices in clas and on the exam the teacher gives us questions that are unpossible to solve correctly because we never had a difficult question like that! :cry:
As for my Chemistry, I was like "Either I really get this, or this is a really bad sign" I don't think I failed that one though, but if I did...O.O I probably didn't fail my French and Dutch, but on the French exam all these English words went through my mind, not French words which made me forget a lot of vocabluary... Dutch could have been easy if I studied the last part better, but it was almost 1:00 am and I was really tired (of studying) so I went sleeping, overslept the next day and I couldn't finish it..:?
Now I'm really gonna have to work hard, hard, hard for math this weekend! :( OMGsh, I need all the luck I can get! *grabs calculator* XD

So, did I miss a lot on here in these 3 days? Seriously, it doesn't seem like 3 days. XD It seems longer cuz the studying was so boring! o_o Oh right! You want cookies don't ya? XD Sorry, I'm currently only holding chewing gum. XD Anyone want one? XD They say it helps you to study better... XD I doubt that now xD But I like to shew anyway. XD *chews* Bah, I guess I better go doing something for math now :cry: or maybe I should take a break...yeah my sisters are admiring me and fining me some sort of crazy person at the same time because they think I'm studying right now! XD

HOLY HIBISCIS! ...SNOW!!? (And goodbye now xD)

I know I'm not supposed to be on...-.- (Shoot me XD) but I have to work for my biology project I still haven't finished and I couldn't resist. XD
I wanted to say that today it actually snowed :shock: Also it was freezing outside, cuz we could see out breaths! (Ghost sense XD)
It's alsomst SPRING! Where was the snow when it was winter??? And the snowflakes were big too! :shock: though, it melted.
We were being noisy and the teacher said "let the snow be something to relax. It helps." and I thouhgt "RELAX? Seeing how or planet is doomed is relaxing?" It just got me nervous! Oh and I got my physics back! :D Now I can study it! yay! *sarcasm* :cry: Giving her a piece of our mind and evil cookies actually helped! XD
Now I must go! Byezzz!! See you in 9 days! =) And yeah, (again) I'll miss you! :cry: Remember me when I'm stressing out in front of some blank papers I need to fill in and I get a black out or something! :shock: *stresses* Remember me... :lol: *is shot*