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Totally_Asje Blog

*looks outside* White rain?? ...SNOW!!

OMGsh!! It's actually SNOWIN'!! :D I never thought I would get to see snow this year and here it it iiiiiss :D *spazzes* Snow Snow Snow Snow SNOW! And in case you didn't catch it; SNOOOOW! :P (Sorry I'm just happy XD) *does snowdance* My garden is even almost white!! :D I don't think it's going to last though, when I wake up tomorrow and I look outside the window, I will see a beautiful green garden with some sunshine and singing birds...okay my garden is not like that, but still :P

New vid and some other things...

So yay! I've made a new vid and OOH! I really don't think it's good!! =( It's all D/S and the song is from pokemon...YES pokemon! :P I found it somewhere on my computer and I really don't know how it got there (Maybe I downloaded it when I thought it was something else and then I forgot about it?) Anyway, Wondows Movie Maker was really not playing nice!! :? There are some things which are not supposed to be there, and I tried to fix it, but everytime there was SOMETHING blocking and stuff. I just gave up and put it on YouTube! :P Enough now about my bad vid, here's the link :
What do YOU guys think??

And OMG this is so NOT FAIR!! : Yesterday I had to go to school while my friend went to a concert in Paris!! :cry: I hate school, and that concert really rocked! (It was the group '30 seconds to Mars') And I couldn't make it! :cry: Now I'm all pissy at my friend because she got to go and I don't. (I know, it's jealousy, but it's just not fair!) I had to tell everyone at school she was sick while I knew she was having the time of her life!! *Sigh*

Tonight I'll go to a theatre play of my school and I think it will be so boring! Really, it gets worse every year! Oh well, I hope it's something this year. A lot of my classmates are playing and I want to see them play anyway. :P
Edit: (I'm so sorry teenage_fanatic that you'll have to wait longer for a reply [again] *grr* and Yes, I got your email, DPyankees02 :D I'll talk to you later too!)

OOH! Yesterday, we talked about "Addiction to sugar" in class!! :lol: If you speak of the devil....XD! And we're now with five members in the sugar club!! (No one else wants to join?) :D Welcome, tennistaylor!! :D ...Uhm it's starting to get difficult to come up with a name! *thinks* *red (??) monkey walks by and steals my magnifying glass (:lol: teenage_fanatic)* NOO! Darn monkey!! *pulls out top secret superhero phone* Quick my superhero friends, eat all the sugar you can find!! To the Totally_DPgrltennisyank_fanatic-mobile!! :D

Sugar Club!! XD

I actually have nothing too repport :P
But, I've noticed the past few days there are more people with a sugar problem around, Everyone who can't handle sugar, rise your hand. :D
So I felt like officialy start a sugar club..Does that make any sense? xD
Who wants to join?? :D I call being...A MEMBER!! :D

Now I'm also going...OH LOOK! SUGARRRR!! Need- SOME!!
*runs to sugar, weird purple colored monkey jumps in front of me* ARG! Darn MONKEY!! You're going DOWN!! I must contact my partner-fulltime SUPERhero- compadres!!! *Takes special Supah phone* HELLO?? Monkey standing between me an my sugar!! Need help!! :P
*Monkey attacks* LEAPING LICHTNING RODS!! This looks like a job for...uhm...Totally_DPyank_fantatic?? :D
*takes reserve sugar out of pocket* HAH! No one can keep me away from sugar!! *evil laugh* *grabs bedsheet* Fear not citizens, fulltime SUpAhheroes DPyankees02, teenage_fanatic and Totally_Asje or on the job! (or on the sugar, apperently XD)

Ohh! The animals are turning green! GHOST! TO THE HUNT! *flies off---comes back---shows shining teeth---flies off again*

YAY for sugary-coated goodness! WHO'S WITH ME?? We must defeat evil pink elephants and tricky purple monkeys (who steal your bedsheet!! *grr*)

And I'm home alone again, so I won't be holding back!! 8)
OK, now somebody please shoot me for ranting on about this! XD

And now...have some cheescake it's on the house!! I have something to make up! To xphantomgrlx XD

New icon again! =D

Hi peeps, I changed my icon again!! Isn't it sweet? :D I love it! YAY for virtual Danny Phantom (which I keep! :D) and virtual Danny Fenton!

*takes some sugar* OhCrud, Pink elephants and purple monkeys are running free again!!
Are you with me, my dear A-dawger superhero friend?? :D
Let's kick some butt! :D

Man, I gotta stop doing that. XD
And I gotta become one of us again!! Make me obbessed over DP again...

Yay! I'm home alone! PARY! *turns music lound and starts singing* ... trust me, you don't wanna hear that. XD

*Sigh* I should be doing something for school, though...DARN SCHOOL!

An inconvenient truth we went to the cinema with the school to see "An inconvenient truth" By Al Gore. About global warming and stuff...Whaah it really got me scared now for the future of our planet! o_o Poor little polar bear, who was exhausted and wanted to rest a little on some ice, but it broke (melting!) and there was no other one! know he just drowned...

Go save our planet! Okay, this may sound a little nerdy's a disaster!
Danny: ...Uhm...Why are you looking at me like that? Knock it off! XD
*whispers* I think she's nuts!
Me: Hey! I heard that!
Danny: I know...
Me: Uhm...well, we already know it!

Oh, I see it's time for some more sugar! xD Yay, DPyankees02! :D Such cute little pink elephants, don't you think?? :P Need...sugar!!

Oh, teenage_fanatic, I'll talk to you tomorrow, I have to go to sleep now. =/ (AaaH, sleeping? What are you talking about? xD) WHERE'D MY LEGS GO? lol :lol: *cries, hugs and slaps* XD

My DP music Vid!

Yay!! =D I finally got to make a DP vid which I don't think it sucks! :P
If you wanna see it, here's the link:

I really have to go less on the computer, cuz yesterday my mum said that if I don't go less on the computer, she might take it away from my room...I DON'T want that to happen, so I'm gonna be a little bit less on and maybe...just maybe work a bit more for school :P

to everyone who has exams : GOOD LUCK!!!
(I had mine a month ago)

YAY! New Icon!! =D

YAY! I'm so happy : I finally got to change my icon!! =D
I was being soooo stupid!!! All I had to do was paste the URL where it has to be and save it, well i always clicked the 'upload' button too! *slaps self a 100 times!!!* HOW could I be so stupid? I guess it was just automatically, but still!

Anyway, Thx DPyankees02, without you I would never have realised it!! :D *Hugs* I'll miss you this week! :( Btw, I like your icon, and everyone's icon!! ^^ How do you people like mine?? =D

Oh and nothing happened today =P
But yesterday, there was an other explotion of a little bumb, YES! I had to be near again and YES it hurt!! I had some troubles with my ears again during gym! :( AARG STUPID MORONS (who let the bumbs explode, not you, I love you!! :D)

Half deaf today

Okay, so today at school there were this FOOLS who brought... I don't know little bumbs or something looking a bit like firework (sorry I really don't know what's it called in English :roll: )
Anyway, they exploted almost each time I was near. And I mean...way too near. The second time I even stood there next to it when it exploded and MAN, that hurt! MY EARS!! For the rest of the day I was like half deaf. Gosh, that annoying whistling sound is still going on in my ear...DX

In other news, I'm getting low grades this year (it's not too bad compairing to my classmates, but my parents...*roll*) and my mum thinks I'm too much on my computer and if I don't have a better school repport next time, she says she's gonna take my PC away! NO! I can't live without it anymore! :cry: Besides, I never asked for it they just gave it to me last year :o *Grr*
OMGosh hear me, I'm addicted. XD I guess I'd better start working for school now...*looks in school diary* well, whaddayah know, this task I have to do must be done on the computer! XD

Weekend / DP eppy / Icon

Yay! I'm so happy it's weekend again! Only 5 weeks now and it's vacation again! XDD (Well, only... =[ )
I should be doing something for school now, maybe the work I should have done about let see...1 month ago? =P I have much to clean up, it's all such a chaos! But not now, I have all weekend :D (right...where did I heard that before?)
Nah, I think I'll be busy making a music vid :D

Omg! these new DP eppies look soo great!! I only wish I could understand them in Spanish =[ But it's a bit funny, though. I never hear Spanish around here XD Danny's voice is funny. XD It's funny in my language (Dutch) too (I Think for you people); you should hear it... XD

Okay, so I also want to change my Icon, but I can't seem to do that. When I've chosen an img to put there, and I click 'upload' the file is gone and it's like nothing happened. o_O
Hm... Does anyone know what I do wrong? Or could anyone just explain it again; to be sure I do it right? Or is my PC just being a "@!ker!u'çtjugj*µù="è$ùùmdf" ?? :P

My Birthday!!! =D

YES; today is my bithday!! Whee ME = 16!!8) Fear me, obey me, and whaterver :P No? okay :P Man, it's so hard to believe! I don't really know what's this feeling; either I just can't believe I'm actually 16 or it doesn't surprise me anymore because I thought about it a long time ago... xDD

Well, I can't really say what I got for my birthday, cuz now I'm a little older and they don't really know what to buy me anymore so I just get money. xD So I can get to buy my own stuff. I'm defenatly going to buy a DP game, and the books of Eragon! :D And some other stuff too, I'm sure, but I can't think of them right now =P OOH~ Yes! A digital camera!!
I will probably go out, or go to a theme park with some friends =)

Well, as I said, I was born 15 minutes before the school bell rings... it was so stupid our day had to end with a lesson of that terrible teacher from my last blog, but I had my ownl little party in the back of the classroom and he is too dumb to notice anything, so I guess it wasn't all bad. xD
To think of it, I'll never go to school again as a 15 year old girl! That time is over now, I guess...creepy :P

So to get to the point : YAY! It's my BIrThDaY!! :D:D