If you really want a good Gamertag, then we cant help you there. Best names dont consist of XxXx Patterns,random numbers, or SpElLEd lIkE tHiS. Maybe use a nickname your friends call you or something memorable so that the name will stick to you much longer.Many people have stories behind their gamertags and it makes it even more unique. So in this case, if you want a really good Gamertag then just think about it and itll come to you.
Yea i have been in one but nothing really personal. It's funny, some people like to just start off with insults right away when you didnt even do anything. I remember once, i was being cussed out by this furious guy on Halo 2. At the end, he goes "oh!You got your *** whooped you **** noob!How can you think your so **** good? " i reply "I never said i was...." It's almost exactly like that Aspen episode on Southpark.
The Guy didnt exactly say it that way but it went along the lines of that
I got killed by a sine. He was coming closer and i realized that i stuck a grenade on the wall (like a ticking time bomb). Right when i was about to kill it my controller went off due to dead batteries. Just Brill
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