the first game i got was F.E.A.R. I remember playing it at midnight, wow, never forgetting that :D
ToxicBacon's forum posts
Yeah it is just for this week i think. I just got my copy of gears of war 2 for 27 bucks at Frys about 2 weeks ago but i doubt if its the same price anymore.
-Raises hand- Right here. Ive loved that game on the sega dreamcast. They should really consider making another one.
Gears of war 2
Dead Rising
Halo 3
Gears of war
Devil May Cry 4
The Godfather
The darkness
Assassins Creed
Perfect dark Zero
Guitar Hero 2
Next game: Halo 3 Odst
No of course not, you start out easy. Everybody is differently ranked according by experience. When your starting off, youll be playing with other new people such as yourself. Oh and make sure to play ranked, some type of games dont require any ranking at all, like social slayer.
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